It's a Team's Life

FMCSA Fitness Input Sessions
Over the next two months the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will be seeking public comments on the development of a new methodology to determine when a motor carrier is not fit to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in or affecting interstate commerce.
Before proceeding with next steps in the rulemaking process, FMCSA will host a series of one in-person and two virtual listening sessions to gather public comment. These listening sessions are open to the public and will offer participants an opportunity to share thoughts about certain options for changes to safety fitness determinations, including the use of available safety data (such as inspection data) in determining a motor carrier’s fitness to operate and when the determination is made to remove unfit carriers from the nation’s roadways. FMCSA is also seeking public input on possible changes to the current three-tier safety fitness rating structure. All comments shared will be reviewed and considered before any additional actions are taken.
This input can be done through in person, virtual or written. The FMCSA will be holding one in person session on June 29th at the Texas Truck Show from 1300-1430 CT. Two virtual sessions will be held one on June 25th from 1400-1530 ET and then on July 31st from 1400-1530 ET. Both of the virtual sessions require you register ahead of time.
Another option for providing comments is by email. The email address you can send your comments to is: [email protected]. Written comments will be accepted through Aug 7th.
The FMCSA previously issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM) in August 2023 that requested public comment on the need for a rulemaking to revise the regulations prescribing the safety fitness determination process; the available science or technical information to analyze regulatory alternatives for determining the safety fitness of motor carriers; feedback on the Agency’s current safety fitness determination (SFD) regulations, including the process and impacts; and the available data and costs for regulatory alternatives reasonably likely to be considered as part of this rulemaking.
Helpful links:
FMCSA information how to participate
Sandy & Stephen
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