It's a Team's Life

Flash Me
Using your 4-ways or emergency flashers every time you back up, warning others of traffic slowing, or when stopped not in a parking stop should be mandatory in every driver’s book. Using the trucks, 4-ways is like setting out an orange cone; it warns others of danger, or something is about to change.Â
When driving through a truck stop, we usually see a truck stopped and assume they are waiting for another driver to back into a parking spot or pull out of a parking spot. If the truck we are waiting on turns on their flashers, our first assumption is that they will back up. When coming off the road into a fuel island and we see a trailer or straight truck with the flashers on, we know to stay out of their way as they will be backing up. If, after we see the 4-ways come on and the sound of the brakes being set, we now know they are not going to move.Â
What causes a dangerous situation is when a driver does not use their 4-ways to warn others of their intentions. When a driver is planning on backing into a parking spot, there is always enough room to drive between them and where they plan to back into and park. If they have used their emergency flashers, we know to stop and wait, but if they do not use their flashers, we can incorrectly assume something is happening in front of them.When we see traffic stopped ahead of us on the roadways, we immediately turn our flashers on to warn others that there is danger ahead. The flashers on the back of the truck are visible to many more than a car or pickups. Â
Use your flashers!Â
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.