It's a Team's Life

Extra Time on My Hands
Getting a new phone is much easier than it used to be due to the cloud. In minutes we were up and running with no disruption in phone calls. Next came signing into email accounts and other online accounts that require a password. As I started to log into Facebook I stopped and decided not to take that last step.
Not signing into Facebook reminded me of when I quit smoking. What would I do with my hands and my time? Opening Facebook, whenever there was a slack minute, has become an unwelcome habit. I have tried in the past to stop doing this but it was too convenient a way to help the time pass.
How many miles of scenery have I missed or people watching as my head was staring down at my phone. Even when a friend is near instead of communicating too often we are both looking at our phones. I just wrote an article about how our shoulders are rounding as we age and I have to wonder if looking at our phones too much is contributing to this problem.
My phone gives me an average screen time for the week and it is often over four hours a day and that is 3.5 hours too much. That is not exactly true as the phone has apps that I use each day to book a shower, get fuel, check on loads, update our status when under a load, google maps to look at delivery and pickup locations, as well as a few other work-related apps.
How often do we find ourselves waiting in line scrolling through Facebook? While waiting on anything it is too easy to pick up the phone and get updates. Are the updates necessary? It has gotten to the point that we feel as if we need that extra stimulation instead of looking around us and noticing what is going on. Are we on the path of always needing to escape from the real world?
I remember when we got rid of the TV many years ago how much time we gained to enjoy each other by playing games or getting chores done. Doesn't sound right but our day became a lot more relaxed when we were not trying to get things done around a TV show or during commercials. Now when we want to sit down and watch a movie it is on our schedule and that does not happen often.
It has now been a little over two weeks and slowly I am breaking the habit of picking up the phone as soon as something is not happening. If I know I am going to be sitting and waiting for any length of time I take a book to read or I catch up on articles that I used to delete before reading.
When I looked at the chart in the article and saw how much of our lives are wasted watching TV or reading Social Media; it was a little shocking. The article was interesting and I have to wonder how long it will be before Social Media overtakes watching TV? If you want to see some staggering statistics check out the article
If the words are said “There is not enough time in the day” maybe it is time to look at how we spend our day.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.