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Expedite Expo Revisit From Years Past Part 3

By Sandy and Stephen
Posted Jul 26th 2024 8:00AM

With no Expedite Expo this year that means we do not need to do a pre-show and post-show article.  That got us to thinking how about looking back over the years we have been to the show and do some reminiscing.  We thought it would be best to break this up into two articles.  This one will be from 2021 to 2023.

If you missed part 1 years 2012 through 2017 you can find it here:  Expedite Expo Revisit From Years Past Part 1

If you missed part 2 years 2018 through 2020 you can find it here:  Expedite Expo Revisit From Years Past Part 2

Expedite Expo 2021 (Ft. Wayne, IN)

Well, we did make it back.  We showed up on Thursday to help setup the Landstar booth.  It sure felt good being at the Expo again after the year off.  A lot of time was spent catching up with folks what had gone on over the past two years.

Show floor after Thursday setup.

Our friends Dave and Kelly Plumb just picked up at the show their new truck.  It was in the Bolt Custom Sleepers booth.  It was really impressive with the 150-inch sleeper.  Talk about “elbow” room.

Due to unforeseen circumstances Sandy had to fill in as the moderator for the WIT work shop.  She was so glad that she had been on the panel all those prior years that she felt comfortable handling it.

Sandy at WIT work shop.

This year’s State of the Industry work shop was really interesting with everything that had gone on the past two years.

State of the Industry Panel

We even got a load out of the Expo.  We picked up one of the vendors booths and delivered it Monday to the warehouse.

After the show we hung out in the parking lot with friends doing some tailgating.   All of a sudden, a SUV pulled up and out jumped Jeff Jones.  He was the sales person at Stoops Freightliner who build and sold us our truck.  It sure was nice to see him.

(L to R):  Stephen, Jeff Jones, Sandy 

Expedite Expo 2022 (Ft. Wayne, IN)

This year was even more of an honor.  On Time Media (the producers of the Expedite Expo) asked us to do our own work shop.  We were asked what would we like to talk about.  We ended on being a successful owner operator in a straight truck.  We put together a very short power point presentation.

Here is a picture of the show floor with all the booths setup.

Folks getting their badges for the show.

People were networking and visiting before the show floor opened.

Round tables were done again this year and well attended. 

Here is the WIT table.

For what seems to be like forever here is again we had the State of the Industry.  This is always well attended and is a wealth of information.

State of Industry Panel

Casino night is always fun.  Lots of door prizes were given out.  Again, lots of “funny” was won and lost.

This year’s driver’s choice award went to the truck in the Landstar booth.

Expedite Expo 2023 (Ft. Wayne, IN)

This is last year’s Expo.  We again did our work shop on being successful owner operator in a straight truck.

If you ever wondered what the show floor looks like before all the booths are filled well here you go.

Now that all the booths are setup here is what it looks like now.

After the booths were all setup again, we had a welcome BBQ on Thursday night.  Always good food and great company and just another chance to network.

New this year were sessions or workshops on the show floor.  They were moderated by Brandon Baxter and seem to go over very well.  Here is the stick note session that we were asked to be on.  What it was you stopped by the On Time Media / Expediters Online booth and write your question down on a “sticky note” and put it on the white board.  Then at the session Brandon would pick ones for the panelist to respond to.

This year’s State of the Industry was very good and full of great information.  There seemed a lot more questions from the audience than in years past.  Mostly about the economy and the state of number of loads available to run.

State of Industry Panel

Again, another Casino Night with lots and lots of door prizes.  Everyone really enjoys this part of the Expo and let’s hope that the future ones still have it.

After the show was over on Saturday, we got together with all those from Landstar for some tailgating.

That takes care of years 2021 thru 2023.  We are sure hoping we have an Expo in 2025 we always look forward to them.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed going down memory lane as much as we did.


Sandy & Stephen

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