It's a Team's Life

Expedite Expo Day 3

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Aug 2nd 2010 5:00PM

It was really hot for the 7:30 PJ walk.   One of the guys walking had donuts and coffee at his truck so a couple of us took a small detour and picked up a cup of coffee and one donut each!   Just what was needed to get into the spirit of the walk.    I started out the day attending the First Observer Program – Highway Security that I thought was very informative.   I had a little free time until my next workshop “Networking & Round table Discussion”


Steve Pollock, Henry Albert, Linda

A few of us moved all of the meat for the BBQ out to one of the reefer trucks that was subbing as a refrigerator for the day.   It was a production to move all of the food out to the truck in one move and we had a great time.    The Networking Round table was a little late getting started as people kept coming in and we ran out of chairs.   We ended up getting almost all of the chairs out of the other meeting room and we still had people standing in the hall way.   This is a fun workshop with all areas of Expediting represented.   The questions have ranged from how do I find a good owner, how do I get my own authority, how does fuel tax work, to what are the different ways to cook in a truck.    It is a lot of fun for all and the two hours flew by.   We hope next year we can have two rooms instead of one.   After the round table a few of us went and sat down for a minute and had lunch.   I finally was able to get inside and see the booths which was a welcome relief from being outside in the sun.   I was in the process of acquiring a pretty good sunburn.   I stopped and registered at Espar of Michigan’s Booth for an Espar Heater.   The drawing was only open to Forum members and you had to be present to win.   I never win anything and was getting ready to go show a couple our truck when I realized they had registered so we went back to watch the drawing!   Wow, was I glad since Debbie McCord drew my name out.   Bob and I were thrilled to win the heater and we will use it in our new truck.


Lawrence McCord

The show was finally drawing to a close and it was time for the BBQ.   This was our first year of issuing an open invitation to vendors, attendee’s, newbie’s, and anyone that wanted to join us.   ExpeditersOnline provided all of the meat and the condiments and it was a huge success.   We had more people than we had tent room.   We did not have an official count but it was estimated that at one time we had 100 people trying to get under the tent and ended up serving at least 150 people.   I stayed out of the way and spent my time visiting.   I do not do well cooking in crowds or in organizing that group and I left it up to the experts!   I think they were secretly glad I stayed out of the way.   I hope we are able to have the BBQ again next year and we will do a little more refining to make it even easier to attend.


Jeanie the BBQ organizer

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.