It's a Team's Life

Expedite Expo 2016 New Venue = WOW
The Lexington Center is located in Downtown Lexington and our first thoughts were this is going to fun to get into with a straight truck much less a tractor trailer AND how much parking can there be? Well we were wrong.... Really WRONG
There is a truck route into the convention center and to the truck parking that is easy to follow and easy to maneuver into. Then we pulled into the truck parking area. Talk about lots of room and right beside the convention center! What a pleasant surprise.
The parking has room to tailgate, put up awnings, and visit with each other! For those that attended the last Expo's that was held in Ohio the parking is just as close to the convention center as it always has been.
The Hyatt Regency is attached to the convention center as well as a shopping mall that has a food court. We walked around the block and found at least ten places to eat in that small area so lots and lots of choices. There was also a 100-year-old shopping mall that looked interesting beside the Hyatt. Right across the street is the Hilton for those that want to stay there.
Right next to the truck parking is the Mary Todd Lincoln House that will be open for tours. There are very nice sidewalk to wander around and see the sites, a pretty fountain park right by the Hyatt, and overhead sidewalks to get from building to building.
While we were not able to get inside the exhibit hall we did walk around it and the building is large and very nice. For the exhibitors I think we will be able to get inside much easier then we have in the past. There is one door for trucks to enter and then a separate door for cars to go inside and unload.
Something else we are really excited about is FREE TRUCK WASHES for all attendees. No reason for anyone to have a dirty truck at this Expo!
We have been to the Expedite Expo when it was held under a tent in Michigan, then inside in Ohio, and now to Lexington, Kentucky. The Expedite Expo has arrived and 2016 is looking the best Expedite Expo EVER! See you there and cannot wait to see what you think.
To register and see more about the Venue
Expedite Expo 2016 Registration
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.