It's a Team's Life

Engine Report
Our DDEC report for fuel mileage is much closer to the odometer then our past trucks. I show our fuel mileage at 11.81 and the report has us at 11.91 and an averge speed of 54.6. This truck likes to run about 60 mph and when legal this is the speed we run.
We also saw that we have had 4 Hard Brakes and 198 Firm Brake Counts and these are due to using OnGuard with the adaptive cruise. OnGuard does not appreciate other vehicles getting into our personal space and sometimes since it cannot see what is happening it is up to us to override the system and use the throttle to get out of the braking situation.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.