It's a Team's Life

Don’t Break my Window
Truck pets usually are cared for better than the owner. If the pet sneezes or looks as if it might be getting sick the search is on for a veterinarian. If the owner of the pet sneezes or acts sick it is “GET OVER IT” we have a schedule to keep.
Luckily for us the many years ago the police were called to rescue the poor Cocker Spaniel sitting in the truck watching out the window. The officer happened to be a friend and he knew that Molly was in her home that was air-conditioned or heated, whatever was needed for her comfort. He also knew why she was sitting in the truck and not in the apartment. Our daughter had two cats that loved to tease her and when we were not in the apartment with her she went to her safety zone, the truck. After that incident, we always left a note on the window for the do-gooders to read so they did not rescue the POOR DOG.
Generators are quiet or if the truck is cool enough they might not be running and yet someone might get the brilliant idea to save the dog and break a window in the truck, After this happens the do-gooder is going to say whoops and go on about their business while we have to get a window replaced. In the wintertime, the same could happen as the heater is running and there is no noise.
To the general public if you see a pet watching from inside of a truck know they probably have it better than you do and leave them be.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
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