It's a Team's Life

Countdown begins…

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Dec 6th 2010 12:15PM

We have to be home on the 21st to see the optometrist and I hope to get contacts for me and new glasses for Bob.   We have both noticed our eyes are deteriorating and we are to the point we need to wear glasses most of the time.   I have never worn contacts and have never worn sunglasses.   I have used glasses to drive for a few years, but never wear them when not driving.   I have not been able to get used to wearing glasses when walking or inside a building.   Bob does not seem to have these problems.   I am sure mine is mental…

We also have dental appointments for cleanings and I have to have a crown replaced.   The truck will go into the Caterpillar shop shop to have the motor checked out.   Bob also had a list of to do’s on the truck that is normal maintenance.   We have a friend who used to comment our truck must not be very stable as every time we come home the truck goes into one shop or another.   I thought jeez maybe he is right then I thought about the miles we put on our truck between visits home and realized our truck is right on schedule for checkups.   The idea is to have the truck checked out while we are at home so we do not have down time while on the road.

While at home we also have to play a little catch up on routine maintenance.   I have been putting off painting our guest room and guest bathroom and this will be done while at home.   I will plan to do this when both girls are at home and it will become a family event and we will have the room painted in very little time.

A friend of mine has horses and she and I have worked out a deal and I have free use of one of her horses to ride.   I plan on spending some quality relaxing time riding and just enjoying nature as we live in a very beautiful area of Missouri.   We also have the stress of Christmas and getting lots done in a short period of time.   I have a few gifts to mail that I normally would have sent at Thanksgiving that I hope will make it to their destination by Christmas.   The girls do most of the baking so I do not have that head ache.  

We are planning to experiment this year with a few varied meals and try some different ethnic recipes.   We have a large kitchen and while we are baking we usually have a game going on that we go back and forth to.   We usually play cribbage while we are baking as it is easy to leave and come back to.  

We are very lucky as we are a close family and we enjoy each other’s company.   We have always been able to work together, play together and travel as a family and have a great time.   This year we will have almost two weeks with our youngest daughter who is a captain in the Air Force at home, and our oldest daughter will also be off most of the time we are at home.

One of the neat ways we mark each Christmas is that we buy a live Christmas tree that we can plant on our property and watch as it grows and each time we gaze at the tree it will bring back fond memories.  

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.