It's a Team's Life

Changing Trucks is Expensive

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted May 3rd 2011 7:03AM


We had all the details worked out, we knew what we wanted to move to the new truck, we knew what equipment we wanted to move to the new truck, we also knew many of our supplies we were not going to load in the Cascadia.

What I did not take into consideration was the time frame this would take as well as all of the little items we would need.   The baskets I used in the old truck were to small for the new truck and wasted valuable space that I needed.   I do not have under bunk storage and I needed to find places in my upper cabinets for items I do not use often that had been previously stored under the bunk. .   I bought several different size baskets for the cabinets and thought I was about to break the bank getting just the right size.

The bed in the Bolt Sleeper is a slightly different size so I purchased a new comforter as well as a thin bedspread.   What I have found is the Murphy bed does not have a lot of room to fold up against the wall and thinner bedding is better.

Bob has been using his artistry to hide wires running to our Pressure Pro, tire monitoring system, our cameras, as well as our Norton signal booster.   All of these projects Bob has been working on call for short trips to the auto parts stores for little extras.   Another cool thing Bob created was a bar to hang our cell phone headsets on.   Bob has one for his phone and I have one for my phone that need to be in easy reach when driving.

Bob has also been adding items to the dash and windshield.   We have our Norpass as well as our EZ Pass mounted and our two GPS’s.   The windshield of the Cascadia is large enough that none of these items hinder the driver or passengers view.   Bob is very good at positioning these items in a strategic way so as we are glancing at our dash it is easy to include the GPS’s and get our eyes back on the road.

We where pre assigned on a load for Monday so we were able to sit over the weekend and get a few more things done as well as reorganize the cabinets.   I have found my stepstool to be a valuable tool and I use it often to get into my cupboards.   I feel like a little kid who has their hand reaching around on the counter top looking for something they cannot see when I do not use the stepstool.  

One of the projects Bob has in the works is to organize our GPS cords and other plugins that require a 12v power supply.   When he has the dash all pulled apart next time he will be scoping out an area to add the 12v adapters to the top of the dash near as possible to the windshield.   This would cut down on a lot of the clutter we have on the face of the dash by not having these cords plugged in.  

We will continue to personalize the Caffcadia as the weeks go by.

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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