It's a Team's Life

Changing Neighbors
Truck stops are active twenty-four hours a day and there is always someone coming in or leaving.
When we first started trucking the noises of trucks parking next to us or any noise next to us would have me wide-awake making sure everything was ok. In the next stage the noises would wake me, but I would quickly drift back to sleep. Now very few noises wake me and usually a truck coming or going only wakes me for a second is if we have our windows open.
So in a sense every day is really a new day as I peak outside of our curtains to see where we are, what the weather looks like, and who we are parked near. Today when I looked out I saw what I thought was a straight truck parked next to us and I had to peak out another window and yep it was! I was running through my mind a list of trucks that I knew and finally I came to the conclusion that I did not recognize the truck but I did recognize the company.
So as I walked around our truck who should pop out of the straight truck but Doug and the reason I did not recognize the truck was they had upgraded. It is always fun to start our day catching up with old friends and at the same time learning something new. They had a couple of tips for us and also gave us some much-needed paperwork that we did not know we did not have. We sure appreciated their help and guidance so that we did not get stuck at a shipper scratching out head wondering how to handle the situation.
Over the years we have woken to many different expediters and we have also surprised a few when they woke. Sometimes these encounters are planned at other times it is just a random chance. We have found that usually we learn something when talking to others in our industry ranging from paperwork, better way to secure freight, to a shortcut that will save us time when crossing the country,
We have found that the longer we are out here and the more people we get to know it is not often that we find ourselves in an area without knowing someone. So get to know your neighbor as you never know when you will wake up next to them someday!
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.