It's a Team's Life

Blue Beacon = Inconsistency
Blue Beacon has to have the oddest price structure of any company we deal with. Looking at our truck washes this year here are the different costs even though the same wash. Overall the Blue Beacon does a good job washing our truck which is why we keep going back year in and year out.
Same location this year same service
Same State same service
Same location this year same service
The term straight truck baffles the people that work at the counter and there is no consistency even at the same location.
The first time we were charged $74.00 I threw a fit and the manager took great pains to explain to me that the cost at this location was due to the workforce. Too hard to find employees. The next time we go to this location we are charged $51.30.
My new plan is to average the prices at the Blue Beacon and not get upset at one high cost as the next low cost will help the average.Â
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
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Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
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