It's a Team's Life

Beta Tester

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Jan 20th 2011 1:04AM


Not to long after I became a driver Bob mentioned a GPS might be nice to have in the truck.   I fussed around and started researching the various GPS’s and determined they were expensive!   They were much higher then they are now when we bought our first Lowrance.   I researched many GPS’s and read many comparisons, as the Lowrance seemed to have the best customer ratings.   At that time there was no mention of truck or hazardous materials routing.   The GPS was a helpful guide was all to a truck driver.

I was enamored with the GPS from the first time we starter her. (Lori) When I started driving I was not familiar with interstates and city driving and I was constantly stressed when we had frequent interstate changes.   With the GPS’s information I was able to easily change to the lane I needed to be in to switch interstates. No longer was I concerned if the exit was a left or right exit.   After my confidence grew with my driving abilities I found myself arguing out load with Lori, who turned a deaf ear to me, and Bob determined it would be best to cut her vocal cords.   No longer is our GPS hooked up to a speaker and our truck is much more peaceful when the GPS reroutes us as I am not following her directions.

Now I have moved on testing a few units for Rand McNally and am having a blast.   Mark the lead beta tester and the man who manages all of us out on the road is a hoot!   Mark is so techy that half the time I just listen and understand about every other word he is saying.   Mark will then go back and translate what he has just said into English.  

I am enjoying working with the GPS’s and working with Mark as I have learned a lot about the GPS world and I have learned many new tricks on transferring files.   I now have a voice when the GPS is wrong about a certain road, speed limit, weigh station incorrectly marked, I send Mark and email and this change will be in the next release.

I have found that having three GPS’s in the truck they all have their own minds and their own ideas on how to get where we are going.   It is comical at times when one wants to go left and when one wants to go right.   I have found that the Rand McNally’s have better and more up to date maps then the Lowrance does and Lori often loses the battle on which way to go.

I would have never dreamed when we purchased our Lowrance, almost a million miles ago that one day I would be involved with beta testing new production units!

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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