It's a Team's Life

Back Roads

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Aug 12th 2010 11:55AM

In Kentucky I cannot get enough of the horse farms, the rolling meadows, the really awesome huge horse barns, and of course the horses grazing in the fields.   Another area of the country that I enjoy is driving through Pennsylvania.   The houses are right next to the road and I feel as if I could reach out the window and knock on their front door and ask for a cup of sugar.   A fun area to drive though is Texas Canyon in Arizona on I10 near Benson, AZ.   The rocks in this canyon are amazing and I always wonder how the rocks keep from tumbling down.   I like going through I84 in Oregon along the Columbia River in the summer.   The area is very green and you can see Mount Hood which is a very beautiful green mountain.   In the winter this area can be very tricky as the sun does not hit the road very often and ice lasts forever.   I enjoy going across I80 in Wyoming and seeing the huge empty spaces which gets my imagination going on what it was like to cross the prairie in a wagon.   I like to go north into Wisconsin and Minnesota and see all the really neat snow mobile trails along side of the highways.   I was once driving along on a two lane road and a snow mobile pulled up alongside of me in the ditch.   I believe the guy was taunting me!   He slowed down to match my speed and then I was able to watch him get some air as he took a couple jumps.   He finally got bored at running my slow pace of 58 mph and took off on down the road.   The grace of the snow mobile was really something to watch.   I like to run down in the south and see the magnolia trees and also all of the moss hanging off of the trees.   The swamps that we cross also get my imagination going on the bayous.   I like it when we stop in the areas that have water and I can listen to the frogs croak.   Each area of the country is fascinating in one form or another and I am always glad to see something new or an inventive way someone figures out to decorate their house.   Christmas time is another time of the year that I really enjoy getting off the interstates and getting to see the lights and decorations.  

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


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