It's a Team's Life


By Linda Caffee
Posted Aug 12th 2011 3:24AM


We have met with Rich and Maria several times over the past couple of years with enough time to usually say, “Hi, How is everything going for you?” We once had time to sit with them and another large group of people over coffee.

This past weekend we were sitting with our curtains pulled inside the cab of the truck.   In the morning I was cleaning and I moved the curtains and found a note taped to our window.   They left their agenda for the day and asked if when they came back from errands we had time for them to stop by to tour the truck and they left their phone number.

I am pretty sure I am typical when cleaning that I make a horrible mess as I wipe down surfaces and vacuum the small crevices.   I looked around the truck in horror and thought no way anyone is going to see this mess as had cleaning supplies strewn all about the sleeper as well as the cab.   There was no room to walk much less have company sit down and visit with us.

I continued on cleaning the dash, doors, and the floor with an eye towards putting away some of my stuff as I finished using it.   I then moved to the sleeper as there were a couple things really bugging me that needed to be cleaned.   I needed to wipe down the windowsills and vacuum out the little crevices.   I work on the sleeper continuously when I wash dishes or when I am preparing a meal.

The floor needed attention and a good polish.   I was almost finished when Rich and Maria came back from their shopping trip. I finished cleaning up the floor and putting my supplies away and us and the truck were ready for company!

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy our table?   Maria and I were able to sit at the table while Bob and Rich swiveled the front seats.    We were all comfortable and able to enjoy each others company. Maria shared many tips on how to use my convection oven and her thoughts to stay healthy and energetic while on the road.   She shared with my ideas on how to use items I all ready had better and extend their life.   One of the things I noticed first about Maria is a kindness that seems to radiate out of her eyes. She is one of those people that immediately put you at ease and I knew she was someone I would enjoy spending the day with.

Bob and Rich spent the day talking about each other’s trucks and how they do things.   Before I knew it tools were being passed back and forth as a few projects were worked on.   

Before we knew it the time has passed and we were hungry. We headed to the mall where there were many choices of places we could walk to for supper. We choose a Mexican Restaurant that would enable us to have a nice walk to and from.  Bob and I were soon to discover that Maria speaks fluent Spanish as she ordered her dinner.   I have a great admiration for people who speak more than one language.

Before we knew it the time has came to say good-by as we both had loads the next day going in opposite directions.   Another day well spent in the Expedite Industry learning about other drivers and sharing ideas.  

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.