It's a Team's Life

2010 A Year if Growth

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Dec 30th 2010 3:38PM


We started out the year as the featured speakers at one of the Expediter Workshops. Both of us were terrified of the group and speaking.   We found out that our audience did not bite and asked us a lot of questions.   We were much more comfortable answering questions then we were talking.   We went on to speak at three more workshops.   We met a lot of interesting people and found out we enjoyed public speaking.


My next huge project started when I was talking to our daughters about walking and drivers struggling to find time to walk.   Through that conversation and then discussing this with The Trucking Solutions Group Health Council we decided to pursue having a driver walk at the Mid America Truck Show.   From there we branched out to having a driver walk at the Las Vegas Truck show and the Dallas Truck show.   We were very pleased with the participation we had, we are looking forward to hosting walks once again in 2011.


I became more involved with Women in Trucking and participate in the WIT Health Challenge.   I started working with Bob Perry, The Trucker Trainer, learning about nutrition and ways to stay fit on the road.   Bob changed many of my preconceived ideas on food and I am finally learning how to read a food label and how the ingredients affect our bodies.   While I did not win the health challenge I was a winner on the knowledge I gained.   I am continuing to work with Bob on some other projects.


We were involved with The Trucking Solutions Group, which involved at minimum one conference call a week.   We have had speakers talk to our group on many issues.   Some are what I would think of as mundane that turned out to be very interesting and others that I thought would be very exciting were not.   This is our second year with the group and we have formed friendships with all that are involved.   TSG will be doing some very exciting things in 2011.


I am also involved with Women and Trucking as a moderator on their forums.   I am the moderator of the Expediter Forum.   I also have become one of the members of the advisory committee.   I am looking forward to working with this group and becoming more involved with these ladies.