It's a Team's Life

20 mph 3000 miles RAAM Day 7

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jun 21st 2012 5:08AM


We crossed from Kansas into Missouri, the winds have died down and we have found humidity.    The roads have changed from straight to twisty curvy and rollers, which means roads that are constantly up and down.   Another new term is those yellow caution signs with a SNAKE mean hard peddling for bike riders.   The SNAKE is the caution sign that the upcoming road has a lot of curves that are usually blind which makes the bike rider hard to see for motorists. 


Once the wind died down and the cyclists were able to get some much needed rest they were back to planning what they are going to do after they finish the race at Annapolis.   Many of them are craving hamburgers and steaks along with huge salads.   Even after spending so much time with these guys they still amaze me with their abilities and their fortitude.   While they might get down and frustrated for a little bit in no time at all themselves back and they are on top of the world enjoying each other and their mutual goals.   Truly amazing to watch this entire change takes place in sometimes a matter of minutes or a couple of hours.


Right after we crossed into Missouri it was our crew’s turn to have 24 hours off and away from the caravan.   Our crew consists of Bob and I and Dr. Jeremy who is a hoot and looks like he is about 18, which he is not.   We take the runner vehicle and go to a hotel for the night, which enables us to have a meal, get the laundry done for the crew, and get good nights sleep.   We were close enough to home that we choose the house, which keeps from spending any of the charities money for a hotel or laundry expenses.   Everyone is very conscious of expenses that are unnecessary so that the check to the hospital will be as large as possible.  


As many of the team, crew’s friends and colleagues have started following our progress the donations have continued to come in and they have more hope they will reach their goal of $100,000 by the time they reach Annapolis.  


The web site for RAAM:




The web site for the team and their Charity:


Ohio CycleWorks Chairities


Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.