Fuel for Thought
OOS Update

I’ve had a productive two weeks out of service. I should be back to work in the next day or two. Some of the highlights.
Crystal ball. Who thought I was joking last week when I said I ordered a crystal ball? It arrived. I won’t be scrying the future, but it’s still a nice chunk of glass. How’s that for new crystal ball vocabulary? It will probably find its place sitting on a vacant beehive in the kitchen of the studio.
Drained the transmission. What seemed to be the van going into limp home mode may have been an overfilled transmission. I drained almost a quart of transmission fluid before getting a legible reading on the dipstick. I know which tech did the last transmission service, and we’ll have a talk. It will take more extended driving to see if the van is really running better. It seems to be so far.
Rearranged roof vents. I’ve been wanting to do this job for a long time. I switched the the two roof vents, so the passive vent is at the front and the power vent is at the back. The power vent is switchable, so it can pull or push air, but the curve of the fan blades lets it push air out more efficiently than it pulls air in. The new arrangement has fresh air coming in the front vent near where I sit and sleep, and the rear vent is the exhaust.
Tree removal. Property ownership has its extra responsibilities. It’s taken since July to coordinate removing a couple large trees. One tree was growing up against the house interferring with the powerline and crowding the foundation. The second tree was crowding a different powerline that supplies several blocks.