Fuel for Thought
Facts or Falsehoods?
Studies can be found for almost anything. We spend a lot of time and money studying everything in our world and even many things not on this planet.
- Research from the South Tarrytone Institute of Nutrition and Ketones in Yuma shows that 49.3% of those who consume Kale, eat it without knowing why it is good for them. The research also shows that 76.8% do not even like the taste but want the benefits from it. While 56.2% claimed to have tried it and given up on the fad, despite the health benefits associated with Kale. Â
- A study from the Research And Development Institute of Cranial Ablation Lobotomies has concluded that more than 60% (60.3%) of people have, over time, lost at least some of their critical thinking abilities. Research shows that it could be related to the reduction in attention span in the overall population. Previous research cited the reduction in attention spans, which now seems to have a correlation to critical thinking processes. Previous research concluded that 89.7% of the population had, in recent years, lost 10.2% of their attention span. This inability to focus seems to be related to critical thinking and more research is being conducted.
- A team of researchers from the Institute of North Amostaen Natural Ecologies have shown that people near coastlines tend to intake pollutants at a higher rate than those inland. The study found that coastal residents were 68.9% more likely to be exposed to more compounds than their counterparts who reside further inland. 53.1% of the pollutants were airborne, while 38.3% were from the soils and 43.9% were from the water. While the research continues, early research seems to indicate that those who reside near streams, lakes and rivers, do not suffer from the same amount of pollutants as the seaside residents. Preliminary results of coastline research shows elevated levels of nitrates, carbon dioxide, phosphate, silicate and saline. The cumulative impact these have on coastal residents is yet to be determined.
- Quite by accident, a scientist from the Flutershein Universität Terra Information das Labor Experimental found that only 39.4% of the population are willing to research facts.
Research and studies are vital to understanding the world around us. Just be mindful of who is funding the research as it can influence the reported results. No study is unbiased. No research is perfect. Whenever you read about research, consider the source, consider the goal, consider the funding, consider the agenda. Statistics can be skewed to fit the narrative or the intent. Not all research is nefarious, but always research the results.
By the way, the above examples from :
South Tarrytone Institute of Nutrition and Ketones in Yuma (S.T.I.N.K.Y.)
Research And Development Institute of Cranial Ablation Lobotomies (R.A.D.I.C.A.L.)
Institute of North Amostaen Natural Ecologies (I.N.A.N.E.)
Flutershein Universität Terra Information das Labor Experimental (F.U.T.I.L.E.)
If you haven't already figured it out, they're completely false. Always double check the facts.
See you down the road,