Fuel for Thought

Do It Now

By Greg Huggins
Posted Dec 5th 2019 11:27AM

As we approach the end of another year, how well did your business fare in 2019? Do you even know? Are you now dreading tax time?

Get ready for next year now. Get organized. 

Start a spreadsheet and learn to utilize them to track expenses and revenue. If the thought of creating your own spreadsheets seems daunting, there are programs, software and apps available for you to use for free or for a fee. Either way, now is a good time to get started. 

Many basic calculations can be performed using a spreadsheet or if you would like a more detailed analysis of your revenue, expenses, MPG, tolls, deadhead mileage, maintenance costs or any other expenses, complex formulas can be written to drill down the numbers and really show you where your money goes. 

Spreadsheets are not just for tracking numbers. They can be used for many functions in your daily business.

You can use a spreadsheet, along with digital copies of documents stored online, to keep track of permits, insurance docs, cab card(s), part numbers, maintenance and so much more. 

The hardest part of getting organized is getting started. There are plenty of spreadsheet tutorials and videos online to get you started, then it is just a matter of entering the info.

Get organized before you find yourself playing catch up in December 2020.

See you down the road,
