Fuel for Thought

Change Your World View
Your view of the world around you depends greatly on you and how you view your surroundings. It really is up to you to change your outlook. One of the best ways to do that is to erase the timeline each day and start anew. It is just a simple process to remove the arthropod diary from the previous day, it only takes a few minutes.
Clean your windshield, side windows and mirrors each day. Wipe away the bug timeline and change the way you see the day. It only takes a few minutes to add clean windows and mirrors to your Pre-Trip Inspection routine each day, or, at least add it to whatever portion of a proper Pre-Trip Inspection you perform each day (we all see you and everyone else who seems to think that if the key turns in the ignition, then the pre-trip is done…it is not!).
Clean windows and mirrors really can affect everything you see (or don’t see) when you head out on the road. Clean glass reduces glare from sunlight but it also reduces glare from headlights at night. As truck drivers, we can log a lot of miles per day, that is a film of bugs and road grime that builds up quickly. Many drivers will clean the windshield when they fuel up, but why not start your day with a better outlook on the road ahead?
It really is that simple to change your view of the world around you. Try it during your next pre-trip inspection, make it a habit to eliminate the insect backlog from your view of the road.
Truck drivers have enough things out of our control to deal with each day, treat yourself to a better outlook every chance you get. Your view of the world really is up to you.
Be safe out there.
We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.
- Mao Zedong
See you down the road,