Fuel for Thought

2014 numbers

By Eric
Posted Jan 16th 2015 9:34AM

Gross income was 8% less than 2013. Net income was roughly 20% less. Dispatched miles was down 11%. Repair costs about doubled. Pay per dispatched miles was up 2.5%.

Some of the hard numbers:

Dispatched miles: 57033 (50205 loaded)

Odometer miles: 74351

Fuel: $13,131 for 3485 gallons

MPG: 21.3

Repairs: $11,536

The biggest hit was repairs. I especially liked that the rate was back to the 2012 level. Overall I can live with the 2014 results. I'm already set up for an even bigger repair bill for 2015, because there will be very major work, or a new vehicle.
