Why we don't need liberals ideas


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

People have been called car nuts for decades. It hasn't hurt car sales or owners one bit.

Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123

They are not trying to outlaw cars or take away the civil rights of an entire people in the name of "car nuts".


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

There is absolutely NO reason in the world for anyone to fear law abiding citizens who happen to arm themselves, they are not the ones committing crimes.

How can you tell if the person toting the long gun is a law abiding citizen or a criminal?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

How can you tell if the person toting the long gun is a law abiding citizen or a criminal?

First off, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. To assume that everyone who open carries ANY firearm is not law abiding is contrary to our beliefs. Second, MOST criminals want to hide the fact they are there to commit a crime till the last second, to avoid calling attention to themselves. IF I would to carry a long gun into a Taco Bell, which can never happen since I HATE the swill they call food, I would call attention to myself. Being noticed increases the difficulty of committing crimes. I would also contend that a criminal who would be considering robbing a Taco Bell, that had several, armed, law abiding citizens sitting there carrying open, would more than likely choose a less protected place to rob.

I have the right in Michigan to carry a long gun, or a hand gun, as long as they are not concealed. I, up until now, have never chosen to exercise that right. That may soon change. The MORE the government tries to remove my rights the more likely I am to exercise them. I will sit at any lunch counter I chose.

The government is not even trying to stop crimes, they are only trying to restrict the freedoms of those who are not criminals.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

All the new gun laws are just there to feel good. "Horse is already out of the barn". The people that have guns and shouldn't, already have them or can easily obtain them. That is proven time and time again. Waste of money and effort whether you like guns or not.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

First off, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. To assume that everyone who open carries ANY firearm is not law abiding is contrary to our beliefs.

I like guns but to assume everyone that openly carries a gun into say a restaurant is law abiding shows a serious lack of spidey sense. Not sure why anyone would have a legit reason to carry a long gun in with them for lunch.

Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

I like guns but to assume everyone that openly carries a gun into say a restaurant is law abiding shows a serious lack of spidey sense. Not sure why anyone would have a legit reason to carry a long gun in with them for lunch.

Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123

To assume that anyone who carries open is doing so to commit crimes is worse. As to a legit reason, come to Detroit someday. Besides, one of the primary reasons for armed citizens is to counteract a oppressive government. Don't believe ours is? The federal Department of Education has a SWAT team.

Governments, ours included have harmed more, and killed more, than criminals have. I would even go as far to contend that there is a higher percentage of criminals in elected office than there is in the general population. Our government has little regard for our laws or the welfare of our People.

Funny, people trust government officials who carry guns every day and yet it is that same government that has a history of suppressing their rights and freedoms. It is that same government that now has an armed agency enforcing health care law.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

I think business owners should have the right to run their businesses as they see fit. If they don't want to allow guns it should be their choice. If they do or don't want smoking it should be their choice.

I doubt anyone that has posted here is against gun ownership but Leary of idiots with guns legal or not.

Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

I think business owners should have the right to run their businesses as they see fit. If they don't want to allow guns it should be their choice. If they do or don't want smoking it should be their choice.

I doubt anyone that has posted here is against gun ownership but Leary of idiots with guns legal or not.

Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123

They have the right to take away others rights? Want to go back to keeping negroes out of lunch counters? All civil rights are the same. We either have all, or will end up with none. Then there is the idea that posting signs, or announcing, that guns are not allowed in a place of business makes it a very inviting target for criminals.

You are right I AM very leery of idiots with guns. Like Holder and Obama. They wield the greatest power on the face of the earth. They are the most dangerous of all the criminals in this nation.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

What in the world is a "gun nut"?
From my perspective it would be someone who has allowed themselves to be so spooked and terrorized by the general environment that they don't feel safe or comfortable poking their head outside unless they are armed with a firearm.

Something ain't quite right there ...

Alternatively, it could be someone with an agenda (political, religious, etc.) who believes that force of arms is a legitimate means to achieve said agenda.

I don't really have a problem with firearm ownership by sane, law-abiding people ... in fact, I'd be for less restrictive ownership of full auto weapons by such folks. As you correctly aver, a well-armed citizenry is a deterrent to tyranny.

The problem is the criminal element and nut jobs ...

Speaking of mentally deranged ****-tards, here's one that would apparently like to see every American religiously indoctrinated ... at gun point:

Huckabee: Americans Should Be Forced, At Gunpoint, To Learn From David Barton | Right Wing Watch

I guess a "gun nut" would be someone who has the audacity to, either conceal or open carry, as is their right.
Nope, not in my book.

Maybe it is one who is determined to defend the lives of themselves, their families, home and property, with the use of force if needed?
Again, nope.

Since when is the owning of a legal tool to be looked down upon?
When one has to make a point of getting up in everyone's face with it.

(See efforts by militant homosexuals to shove their lifestyle choices in everyone's face for a rough analog)

Since when are those who do not commit crimes to be condemned, and treated like criminals, ever been a good idea?
I suppose an expectation that you would see any irony in the above statement would be ... a bridge too far ...


Veteran Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

They have the right to take away others rights? Want to go back to keeping negroes out of lunch counters? All civil rights are the same. We either have all, or will end up with none. Then there is the idea that posting signs, or announcing, that guns are not allowed in a place of business makes it a very inviting target for criminals.

You are right I AM very leery of idiots with guns. Like Holder and Obama. They wield the greatest power on the face of the earth. They are the most dangerous of all the criminals in this nation.

Two completely different things. You cannot discriminate on race. You have every right not to do business somewhere guns are not welcome. The owner has every legal right to Barr them. Your rights doesn't trump their rights.

As far as your second paragraph everyone knew that was coming.

Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Two completely different things. You cannot discriminate on race. You have every right not to do business somewhere guns are not welcome. The owner has every legal right to Barr them. Your rights doesn't trump their rights.

As far as your second paragraph everyone knew that was coming.

Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123

Really? What part of the Constitution says that it is any different? Why would one for of discrimination be just OKEE DOKEE, and another, not? Other business people are NOT allowed to with hold their services for reasons of morality, like not selling a cake for a homosexual wedding. It's all good, I don't go into Taco Bell anyway. The crap they sell in not on my Styrofoam and freeze dried water diet, and now since they are banning guns, they are far more dangerous to visit.

You may trust criminals, I choose not too.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

There are restaurants you can go into and receive service when you are not wearing a shirt or shoes, but not many, even though it is your right to not wear a shirt or shoes. The same is true for wearing a long gun on your shoulder. You have a right to bring your bicycle with you to Taco Bell, but you don't have the right to bring it inside with you, even if it's carried over your shoulder. And for the same reason ... you could put an eye out with that thing.

Very, very few people have a legitimate need to carry a gun with them everywhere they go. Even in the military, where they use guns a lot, guns are only carried when the circumstances warrant it. When people see guns in places and situations that don't warrant guns, they freak out, and not because they are anti-gun. It's because they are normal and sane.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Don't ask, don't tell. That pretty much eliminates long guns from Chili's but certainly not carrying at Chili's, regardless of what the general public or management or anyone else may think and believe.

How can you tell if the person with the long gun is law abiding or criminal? By whether their finger is inside or outside the trigger guard as they open the door.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

There are restaurants you can go into and receive service when you are not wearing a shirt or shoes, but not many, even though it is your right to not wear a shirt or shoes. The same is true for wearing a long gun on your shoulder. You have a right to bring your bicycle with you to Taco Bell, but you don't have the right to bring it inside with you, even if it's carried over your shoulder. And for the same reason ... you could put an eye out with that thing.

Very, very few people have a legitimate need to carry a gun with them everywhere they go. Even in the military, where they use guns a lot, guns are only carried when the circumstances warrant it. When people see guns in places and situations that don't warrant guns, they freak out, and not because they are anti-gun. It's because they are normal and sane.

Let's try this again, I tried it once and it cut off part of the quote. Why? Don't know

Put an eye out? I am ALWAYS in control of ANY weapon when I carry one. Poke an eye out my hind end. LOL!! People only "freak out" because of the constant BS the media spews about firearms and their owners. 99% of which is either a lie or totally inaccurate. I would feel MUCH safer in a place full of armed, law abiding citizens, than I would in a room full of armed, government agents. Like police.

I find it the opposite of "normal and sane" to "freak out" because someone has a rifle or shotgun. I would more likely ask that person about it, if it was I piece I had never seen before, it may be cool! Owning, and using, guns IS normal and sane. As to need, since when was "need" a reason to deny the exercising of a right?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Like I said, there are places and situations where seeing people carrying guns is normal and not at all alarming. People don't freak out in those situations. In situations where guns are unusual and out of place, people are going to freak out, because normal, sane law abiding citizens don't usually bring firearms into those situations.

If a place of business has a sign on the door that says no guns are allowed, your rights are not being infringed at all. A private business can tell you "no guns" without violating your rights just as easily as they can tell you "no cameras" without violating your rights. The reasons don't matter, the media doesn't matter, what you personally would do doesn't matter.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

People are just wimps and cry babies, afraid of tools. LOL! And I STILL won't be poking any eyes out.

Normal? In Detroit? Street thugs are carrying, and using, stolen weapons DAILY. They are attacking people, at will, and yet, we must not be allowed to defend ourselves from them, making it FAR easier, and more likely, for a criminal to attack. In other words, we are turning the streets over to the scum.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

People are just wimps and cry babies, afraid of tools. LOL!
Which is their right. El Oh El

And I STILL won't be poking any eyes out.
Maybe not intentionally, but the possibility exists. It may be a slim possibility, but so is needing everyone to be armed at Taco Bell just because.

Normal? In Detroit? Street thugs are carrying, and using, stolen weapons DAILY. They are attacking people, at will, and yet, we must not be allowed to defend ourselves from them, making it FAR easier, and more likely, for a criminal to attack. In other words, we are turning the streets over to the scum.
Why do you keep bringing up Detroit? Detroit is not a Chili's in Texas. You don't even live in Detroit.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Which is their right. El Oh El

Maybe not intentionally, but the possibility exists. It may be a slim possibility, but so is needing everyone to be armed at Taco Bell just because.

Why do you keep bringing up Detroit? Detroit is not a Chili's in Texas. You don't even live in Detroit.

Just bring up Detroit as an example, for good reason I might add.

People don't get it. Citizens are NOT going into places, armed, just to do it. They are doing it to make a point. IF the government has not started it's attacks on the rights of law abiding citizens, this would not be taking place.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Re: Why we don't need liberal's ideas

Just bring up Detroit as an example, for good reason I might add.
The problem is, Detroit isn't typical, it's the exception to the rule.

People don't get it.
Yes they do.

Citizens are NOT going into places, armed, just to do it. They are doing it to make a point. IF the government has not started it's attacks on the rights of law abiding citizens, this would not be taking place.
Right. And they're coming off looking like gun nuts. And not in a good way.