Active Expediter
So... Scientists are admitting defeat. Antarctic glaciers will inevitably slide into the ocean. Not anytime soon - it will be at least 200 years. But conservatives don't seem to be celebrating their victory. Why not?
20 years ago polls showed conservatives and liberals were equally concerned about global warming. And then (personally I blame it on Fox News) there was a shift. Global warming became a liberal issue and Fox led the charge for conservatives against the liberals/socialists/communists/mother-rapers/father-stabbers. (Sorry Arlo, I got carried away).
Isn't it true that the vast majority of outdoorsmen are conservatives? Why they would be less concerned about changes in our climate than a bunch of social-networking-spending-way-too-much-time-online liberals makes no sense to me, but be that as it may. Conservatives making not a lick of sense is something I've grown accustomed to.
Anyway - getting to my point. Congratulations! The Koch brothers and everyone else that makes their fortunes from fossil fuels and generally f'ing up the planet we live on has won. Fox news, who makes their living from inciting people that would prefer not to think for themselves to the point of outrage has won. And Conservatives in general have won.
What exactly have you won? I'd love to hear it.
20 years ago polls showed conservatives and liberals were equally concerned about global warming. And then (personally I blame it on Fox News) there was a shift. Global warming became a liberal issue and Fox led the charge for conservatives against the liberals/socialists/communists/mother-rapers/father-stabbers. (Sorry Arlo, I got carried away).
Isn't it true that the vast majority of outdoorsmen are conservatives? Why they would be less concerned about changes in our climate than a bunch of social-networking-spending-way-too-much-time-online liberals makes no sense to me, but be that as it may. Conservatives making not a lick of sense is something I've grown accustomed to.
Anyway - getting to my point. Congratulations! The Koch brothers and everyone else that makes their fortunes from fossil fuels and generally f'ing up the planet we live on has won. Fox news, who makes their living from inciting people that would prefer not to think for themselves to the point of outrage has won. And Conservatives in general have won.
What exactly have you won? I'd love to hear it.