>To the extent that "All men are created equal" I take your
>meaning. No person is better than anyone else. But within
>the trucking industry, the White Glove drivers I know are
>anything but "poor slobs". Because they take their jobs
>seriously, and because they do it well, they command the
>highest incomes in the expediting industry.
when i first started reading your post, i thought okay here is someone else that gets it. well after the first two sentences i could see that you are one of those white glovers that have that "elitest" complex. i have met up with several of your kind on the road, and let me tell you it was not an experience that i would want to repeat.
why does the fact that you provide extra services (for wich you are compensated)and that you have extra equipment on your truck to accomplish those extra services make you think that you are better than anyone else?
like i mentioned in an earlier post on this thread,we have met some very good people in W/G.really good people that do not have an attitude that they are somehow better than anyone else.we have also met up with W/G people that would not even give you the time of day.
i assume from your statement that you think that anyone who isn't in W/G does not take thier job serious, and they do not do it well.i am here to tell you that you couldn't be more wrong.for you to think that just because you do inside deliveries or temperature assured loads and at times your cargo has more value makes you better is ridiculous.
i know for a fact that there are some W/G ers that are so full of themselves that they have added extra decorations to thier woefully inadequite fedex uniforms.(epaulets on thier shoulders) luckily for the rest of us that only makes them easier to spot and avoid.
my first post on this thread was meant as humor,and was not aimed at any W/G ers but it didn't take long for you smug SOB's to crawl out from underneath your rocks and turn this into something it wasn't.
well now i feel better. and thanks to this website i know what you look like(for the others that i don't want to meet i'll just look at the shoulder decorations)and i don't think that i will be asking you if you'd like to go have coffee and conversation.DD.
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