Stoff, you know I've been here during that whole time, and you're right...I believe the lack of business or constant spiral downward of lack of good runs is somehow directly attributed to the big layoff we had back in 2001, where all of the part time personnel was let go, and also the Surface department was discontinued. If you rememeber, 7 supervisors lost their jobs, and approximately 30 agents. It can't be a coincidence, that when the surface department was gone, business began to go also. we have recently ressurected the surface department, but with corporate management pulling the strings, It may not help. My biggest concern about this is that we (old emery) don't even get to put our ideas on the table, to be considered. We have been doing expedited freight since 95, UPS hasn't. It boggles my mind that it seems that they don't want to even listen to our suggestions. Oh well.....