We support this effort from TEANA and plan to share information as it is shared with us.
Xiggi is correct when saying it is suspended and not discontinued. The VOI is coming back and will be better than before. I truly believe it will help our industry as a whole and help protect shipper, brokers, and carriers all in one. I will tell you this when you create something good, there are always people out there to try and cheat and ruin a positive thing. The VOI is a voluntary program, that involves a lot of work with random audits throughout the year of members that are VOI approved. TIA, Smartway, ISO, StayMetrics, are also organization that helps its members but they are not free. I have to say unless you are doing more that 20 million a year then membership will not cost you $2000.00 a year to be a member....I have listed the actual costs below.
$600 annual dues (Under $2,000,000 in revenue)
$750 annual dues ($2,000,001 to $10,000,000 in revenue)
$1,200 annual dues ($10,000,001 to $19,999,000 in revenue)
$2,000 annual dues ($20,000,000 plus in revenue)
TEANA is a small but growing non profit association that needs as many good members as possible to help keep our industry strong and moving in the right direction.
What personal experience do you have with TEANA? What have you done to help fight against rogue carriers with improper insurance? You are either part of the solution, or part of the problem!Thats where we split opinion....AS far as I know my carrier has no intention of joining the club. recruiting ploy of paying something like the $2,000 fee to join....VOI is a farce IMO
What personal experience do you have with TEANA? What have you done to help fight against rogue carriers with improper insurance? You are either part of the solution, or part of the problem!
If your carrier is doing things the right way and your carrier choices not to be a part of the fight, then your carrier is not doing this industry justice.
We're about there. Just has been a matter of getting around to it.
I am not objecting to being insurance legal what I am objecting to is the black mail join our group or don't get loadsWhat personal experience do you have with TEANA? What have you done to help fight against rogue carriers with improper insurance? You are either part of the solution, or part of the problem!
If your carrier is doing things the right way and your carrier choices not to be a part of the fight, then your carrier is not doing this industry justice.
I am not objecting to being insurance legal what I am objecting to is the black mail join our group or don't get loads
Like I said Lawrence I was debating Ziggy statement Be VOI or not get loads ...OVM,
Your statement regarding "black mail" is 100% incorrect. I don't have a dog in this fight (I'm not a motor carrier), it's not the way they operate their organization at all. They are the only organization in our industry that is trying improve this situation. For that, they need all the support they can get.
OVM,I am not objecting to being insurance legal what I am objecting to is the black mail join our group or don't get loads
I was responding to Ziggys post about everyone should belong to Teanna
I repeat I was responding to Ziggys post that's allOVM,
So, this is just your opinion about Teana? Or do you actually have personal experience regarding them?
.........And hopefully more shippers will stop using non VOI carriers.
Ken first how do you know what the difference in price is? Second who is running for .70 I haven't met them unless it's low ballers. 3rd at any price legal is legal and no one should be running who is not.The difference between being illegal or legal
Is anywhere between five cents and six cents a mile So they all get legal and now they can run for $.70 a mile is that really going to save your bacon ?
What they should be concentrating on is getting rid of all these layers of brokers skimming the pot there absolutely draining the industry
And now we are getting into 4PL's for crying out loudthat to me is unacceptable
Everyone has an opinion.... so your carrier won't participate and therefore will NOT get loads from those that do... no problem... good luck!Thats where we split opinion....AS far as I know my carrier has no intention of joining the club. recruiting ploy of paying something like the $2,000 fee to join....VOI is a farce IMO
I did not say my carrier is not participating a wholeEveryone has an opinion.... so your carrier won't participate and therefore will NOT get loads from those that do... no problem... good luck!