What do you expect?


Veteran Expediter
Those that servied and retuerned home wounded from bush's folly came home to **** ro ach invested,mold and mildewed conditons at Walter Reed not fit for man or beast.

All the more reason for the government to control ALL of our health care, huh? If they treat vets this way, imagine how they'll treat the common lemming, er... citizen.

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
i hate to say it but walter reed has been saddly lacking for a long time. i remember going there in the early 70''s and was shocked at the conditions. but the military has always been 'just getting by' due to lack of funding. its amazing how much is done by so many with little in the way of resources. when in the army i worked and lived in "temperary" buildings built in the 40's for wwII. worked on equipment and was unable to get parts due to lack of funds. worked with test equipment that was incomplete, and often obsolete, due to lack of funds. the military gets 'hammered' for buying 200.00 hammers, but people don't look at the 'contracts' (and political connections behind them) they are required by congress to use.

as to the love it or leave it... having spent a few years living in 'forrrren' countries and have not experienced anything that would make me want to relocate. yes there are some things done different, possibly even better depending on your point of view... but overall i feel we got the best and i was, and still am, willing to fight for it. but just because i don't agree with somebody doesn't mean i'm not willing to share. no i don't think some of the changes proposed by 'more liberal individuals' than me are good. they don't think things i want are good. thats one of the things that make this such a great country.


Seasoned Expediter
I still believe we are in for a lot of trouble if we elect a democrtic president when we have a democratic controlled congress!!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Twice in our history we have had a large majority of democrats in the senate with a democrat president.

Those were;

The 74th through the 76th where more than 68 seats were held.

The 88th and 89th congress with more than 65 seats held.

These two periods, 1935 - 1941 and 1963 - 1967 gave us two massive programs and tax increases to go with them. Bith programs have been a mess, have taken the country down a path of distruction and should be dismantled.

I think that with today's present attitude towards everything that this country stands for by the left, if the senate ends up with more than 52 democratic seats, we are in trouble but if there is a cleaning of congress to the point we reach more than 65 seats held by democrats, there will be a change that will sweep the nation that you can not believe.

The problem with that number, 65 is simple. In the senate there are procedures that allow debate. The present makeup of the senate is good not great but good. There is a lot of debate going on (not as much compared to the previous republican congress by the way) and things get worked out to a point but when we have 67 senators who vote for cloture on an issue or bill, that's it. They can even stop debate on bills with a super majority and even bring serious changes to the rules of the senate.

There is a lot at stake, seeing how Reid and Pelosi have been running things is scary, a lot of things get passed without debate, a lot of things get amended without debate and a lot of votes are done without the possibility of republicans getting back to the senate to vote. An awful lot of underhanded cr*p these people are pulling and the republicans didn't do 10% of this.


Not a Member
If you aren't proud enough of this country to say yeah I'm an American then something's wrong! That's the point I'm trying to drive home. If you are telling people you are from Canada, like TallCal said he does, then you most likely don't give two farts about the Founding Fathers. You can love the country and what it stands for and be proud of being a citizen of this great nation, and not approve of some of the things going on in it. Like the illegal Mexican problem and to many liberals not letting our troops just bomb the he!! out of the Middle East. Those are main two complaints, but if you ask me if I am an American my response will always be the same. Dam straight I'm an American.

Misunderstood you. Yes we are on the same page I just hate to watch my country get destroyed by illegals, real far left liberals, real far right conservatives and khazars destroying us from within and without. And if you say something some one spouts love it or leave it. In my opinion anyone who just sticks their head in the sand to their surroundings and doesn't speak up is just as guiltly as the above mentioned...
American first and always...Just hate to watch what took about200 years to create get destroyed in what 40 or so? Does kinda of make you wonder who would of really held the most power to destroy it in this time frame.....Billary, Dubya generation comes to mind.. Remember all the degenrate free love, free sex, hippies? The the self serving yuppies they turned into??? Who is running the country now.eally look into you will find over half of Dubyas cabinet has dual American and Israeli Citizenship ....Scary huh? Like hmmmm look around and watch whats going on the world and think does this bunch really have the best interest of the USA in mind?


Not a Member
If you aren't proud enough of this country to say yeah I'm an American then something's wrong! That's the point I'm trying to drive home. If you are telling people you are from Canada, like TallCal said he does, then you most likely don't give two farts about the Founding Fathers. You can love the country and what it stands for and be proud of being a citizen of this great nation, and not approve of some of the things going on in it. Like the illegal Mexican problem and to many liberals not letting our troops just bomb the he!! out of the Middle East. Those are main two complaints, but if you ask me if I am an American my response will always be the same. Dam straight I'm an American.

Misunderstood you. Yes we are on the same page I just hate to watch my country get destroyed by illegals, real far left liberals, real far right conservatives and khazars destroying us from within and without. And if you say something some one spouts love it or leave it. In my opinion anyone who just sticks their head in the sand to their surroundings and doesn't speak up is just as guilty as the above mentioned...
American first and always...Just hate to watch what took about200 years to create get destroyed in what 40 or so? Does kinda of make you wonder who would of really held the most power to destroy it in this time frame.....Billary, Dubya generation comes to mind.. Remember all the degenerate free love, free sex, hippies? The the self serving yuppies they turned into??? Who is running the country now? Really look into you will find over half of Dubyas cabinet has dual American and Israeli Citizenship ....Scary huh? Like hmmmm look around and watch whats going on the world and think does this bunch really have the best interest of the USA in mind?


Veteran Expediter
Really look into you will find over half of Dubyas cabinet has dual American and Israeli Citizenship ....Scary huh?

NO it’s funny… because it the other half has French and German citizenships. I think having a French citizen in the cabinet is really insulting to the US.

ALSO… never mind….. I am keeping this one to myself because I may offend Tallcal, which I don’t want to do with the comment.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Move on-- George sorriass soro's bought up all the newspapers and other media, then fired ALL conservative journalist thru out Europe!! Now he's here funding the same rhetoric!!
these egg head anti-US buying his garbage web site along with micheal crap moose face deserve nothing from this GREAT COUNTRY!! cross(+)hairs


Not a Member
NO it’s funny… because it the other half has French and German citizenships. I think having a French citizen in the cabinet is really insulting to the US.

ALSO… never mind….. I am keeping this one to myself because I may offend Tallcal, which I don’t want to do with the comment.

Actually its quite sad. Bush is a Murano anyway. But they should all be 100 American thats it. That way it keeps all special interest people away.. Although do we give France or Germany our top weapons and billions of dollars every year?
By the way Greg you never did answer
Are you a vet?
Are you Khazar?
Just wondering


Veteran Expediter
What Bush is a Venetian?

Wow I need to write to him and see if he can get me some glass stuff for my wife. Maybe a nice Vase or maybe one of them glass kitties that you see in the gift shops.

Amazing I thought he was a Zionist. Wow was I wrong. A venetian, who would have known.

What difference does it make what I am?

I think of myself as an American Citizen.

I don't buy into the must be a Vet stuff to understand the military, I been on the other side of that equation and that is a cop out on a lot of issues..... and if you have to ask what that means, than you don't know.

I am wondering when you will start with the Masons.


Not a Member
What Bush is a Venetian?

Wow I need to write to him and see if he can get me some glass stuff for my wife. Maybe a nice Vase or maybe one of them glass kitties that you see in the gift shops.

Amazing I thought he was a Zionist. Wow was I wrong. A venetian, who would have known.

What difference does it make what I am?

I think of myself as an American Citizen.

I don't buy into the must be a Vet stuff to understand the military, I been on the other side of that equation and that is a cop out on a lot of issues..... and if you have to ask what that means, than you don't know.

I am wondering when you will start with the Masons.

I find it quite amazing that a person who is not a vet, who has not seen it, can so willing commit others to die..But the talmud says us Goyim are just cattle anyways. Actually a Murano is a person of jewish decent posing as a Christian. You should know that. And it doesn't take to much figure out you are jewish too. That is one of the reasons why you want to bash Arabs so much. One of the reasons you write how israel is always the victim. One of the reasons why you are so offensive towards me.One of the reasons why your stirring up so much hate toward Islam to keep the spotlight off your tribe.The main reason you will not answer my question is that you don't want people reading this thinking you are biased toward your tribe.Your disdain and belittlement is quite correct in your talmud about the Goyim. By the way that kosher is tax is quite true and don't insult our intelligence by trying to dismiss it. You are quite right in one thing the internet is making people aware of the scams being pulled
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Veteran Expediter
I find it quite amazing that a person who is not a vet, who has not seen it, can so willing commit others to die..But the talmud says us Goyim are just cattle anyways.

You are so funny. Too funny… you really believe this?

What’s the Vet thing have to do with this? Are you… never mind, don’t want to open that door.

So what’s up with the vet thing?

Well tell me the place where I can find that passage. I seem to think that the word means Nation, now my ancient Hebrew is not the best so I think it was in Exodus…no it was Genesis that the word popped up, maybe meaning something like great nation. Maybe the word now means a non-Jew but still I don’t care because it doesn’t matter…. Oh I was call Gaijin when I was overseas in a derogatory way, do you know what that means? Could there be a connection?

Actually a Murano is a person of jewish decent posing as a Christian. You should know that. And it doesn't take to much figure out you are jewish too.

Well from my upbringing a ‘Murano’ is a person from Venice, it is an island off of the Venice peninsula that was known for it’s glass. Don’t insult them or Calabrese…. These people don’t like being insulted.

Sorry to burst your bubble, I am Roman Catholic, actually non-practicing one…. I didn’t get that chance to convert to Judaism, but maybe in the future I will just to please you. I was taught by Jesuits for my religion studies, not many Jewish Jesuits the last time I checked.

Oh by the way….. we are all Jewish when you come down to it… someway… somehow…. Too funny, I am enjoying this by the way….

That is one of the reasons why you want to bash Arabs so much. One of the reasons you write how israel is always the victim. One of the reasons why you are so offensive towards me.

Now if you talked to the Arab (some Sunni, some Shia and some Chaldean) friends I have, they think just the opposite; I defend them because I actually take the time to understand them. They also don’t fall for the Zionist BS, and amazingly we can have great conversations because we know what this is all about. I think it has to do with respecting their culture and actually wanting to learn that makes the difference to them. They take pride in their culture and not many will take the time to learn.

I am not bashing Arabs, I tell what I see… too bad you don’t read what I write…. No biggie…. I think you are doing fine with explaining things to me…. And I don’t think Israel is the victim on other issues, you never bring up them…. and if I offend you… well I’m sorry, I am not trying to do that, just tell you that you are wrong on many issues.

One of the reasons why your stirring up so much hate toward Islam to keep the spotlight off your tribe.The main reason you will not answer my question is that you don't want people reading this thinking you are biased toward your tribe.

What hate?

No I don’t want anyone to hate a Muslim because they are a Muslim, I have said things to correct people on that subject on many forums. I want people to understand what they think, and why, but again you don’t read what I write. The biggest problem is you don’t understand them, as you don’t understand the region, it is not about what you think it is. You are looking at it through the glasses of what propagandist want you to see… which is a trick…. Like I have said many times it all goes back to a few sources in the past and it does not mean a thing… it is not factual and was created at a different time for a purpose that you seem to ignore… I am trying to figure out why you don’t look into it yourself.. I mean find creditable places that you can objectively learn….

Your disdain and belittlement is quite correct in your talmud about the Goyim. By the way that kosher is tax is quite true and don't insult our intelligence by trying to dismiss it. You are quite right in one thing the internet is making people aware of the scams being pulled

By the way, you have included the old testament in that…

Our intelligence?

Learn the difference between taxes and fees, learn what the process is all about and learn that the d*mn government is the reason some of that happens in the first place.

In closing, please don’t take this stuff personal and thanks for letting me remember things I have forgotten. AND you may notice, I don't get emotional and just throw things together, I am taking my time and writing so you can read it so you can.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
From the American Heritage Dictionary online: Goyim

goy (goi) n.
pl. goy·im (goi'ĭm) or goys
Used as a disparaging term for one who is not a Jew.

I wondered about this term, given the context in which it has been used in this forum. I thought I would offer the definition for those like myself (a lifelong Methodist WASP) who might not be familiar with it.
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Not a Member
You are so funny. Too funny… you really believe this?
Why else would I type it?

What’s the Vet thing have to do with this? Are you… never mind, don’t want to open that door.

I am a honorale discharged veteran of the United States Navy...I would think your not a vet maybe of the cub scouts

So what’s up with the vet thing?

As mentioned earlier your so quick to kill Arabs and put our troops in harms way. If you were a vet the light bulb would go of in your great brain that when death comes thats it..Yo should see sometime

Well tell me the place where I can find that passage. I seem to think that the word means Nation, now my ancient Hebrew is not the best so I think it was in Exodus…no it was Genesis that the word popped up, maybe meaning something like great nation. Maybe the word now means a non-Jew but still I don’t care because it doesn’t matter…. Oh I was call Gaijin when I was overseas in a derogatory way, do you know what that means? Could there be a connection?

I really could care less

Well from my upbringing a ‘Murano’ is a person from Venice, it is an island off of the Venice peninsula that was known for it’s glass. Don’t insult them or Calabrese…. These people don’t like being insulted.

You can try to cover it up all you want I figured you out in my last posting

Sorry to burst your bubble, I am Roman Catholic, actually non-practicing one…. I didn’t get that chance to convert to Judaism, but maybe in the future I will just to please you. I was taught by Jesuits for my religion studies, not many Jewish Jesuits the last time I checked.

Funny you believe that? With all your postings yea right....Keep it covered so you can bash anyone you want.I never met a Christian or a Catholic so with so much pomp and arrogance as you

Oh by the way….. we are all Jewish when you come down to it… someway… somehow…. Too funny, I am enjoying this by the way….

Yes it is funny you trying to cover it up after being exposed for who and what you are.. And no I am not jewish

Now if you talked to the Arab (some Sunni, some Shia and some Chaldean) friends I have, they think just the opposite; I defend them because I actually take the time to understand them. They also don’t fall for the Zionist BS, and amazingly we can have great conversations because we know what this is all about. I think it has to do with respecting their culture and actually wanting to learn that makes the difference to them. They take pride in their culture and not many will take the time to learn.

Yea by your postings we all sure tell your telling the truth there:rolleyes:

I am not bashing Arabs, I tell what I see… too bad you don’t read what I write…. No biggie…. I think you are doing fine with explaining things to me…. And I don’t think Israel is the victim on other issues, you never bring up them…. and if I offend you… well I’m sorry, I am not trying to do that, just tell you that you are wrong on many issues.

Read my line above about you bashing Arabs. You offend many people with your arrogance...Not really a Catholic trait. But quite well known in your circle of true colors

What hate?

Trust me in every one of your postings about Islam it comes through..Maybe you can't see it cause your nose is so high in the air...Not a Catholic trait eather

No I don’t want anyone to hate a Muslim because they are a Muslim, I have said things to correct people on that subject on many forums. I want people to understand what they think, and why, but again you don’t read what I write. The biggest problem is you don’t understand them, as you don’t understand the region, it is not about what you think it is. You are looking at it through the glasses of what propagandist want you to see… which is a trick…. Like I have said many times it all goes back to a few sources in the past and it does not mean a thing… it is not factual and was created at a different time for a purpose that you seem to ignore… I am trying to figure out why you don’t look into it yourself.. I mean find creditable places that you can objectively learn….

If this was not such a falsehood it would be funny. Every time you post about Islam you have typical zionist wording and aroggance....not a Catholic trait

By the way, you have included the old testament in that…

Our intelligence?

Learn the difference between taxes and fees, learn what the process is all about and learn that the d*mn government is the reason some of that happens in the first place.

Regardless if its a tax or fee the jews call it a kosher Tax so I have to agree with them. After all it is their scam.By the way who controls our goverment? And why do you defend this scam? Why should every household get stuck paying for this scam? Why is it so secretative?

In closing, please don’t take this stuff personal and thanks for letting me remember things I have forgotten. AND you may notice, I don't get emotional and just throw things together, I am taking my time and writing so you can read it so you can.

Cold , Calculating hmmm seems like who you truly are. I don't believe you being a Catholic for one minute.I really believe your not who you say you are..Too many things point other ways...For instance I never or read of a Catholic telling how great they are, how much they know, etc. From what I read Catholism teaches humbleness..Not like your Talmud to run all over the Goyim And almost 7000 postings in three years? So how is it you can possible know so much then us Goyim?


Not a Member
Yes Pilgrim you are right. And if you look at many postings on this forum you can see how its used/not used but the meaning is there


Veteran Expediter
Ok,I have been trying to reflect, at times in a shrill manner,on just how all you smarty pants observers of world and national events can so blindly go about your demonizing of anything from the left side when the right has simply demoslished our country and our rights over the last 8 years.There is not one constructive decision in the form of legislation that has made life better for anyone other then the very wealthy amongest us.
It goes with out saying that the very deparate situation you find your collective selves in is your own fault. Each and every one of you and all those like you who voted not once but twice for bush have no one to blame but yourselves. Don't frikken blame me. I tried to bring sanity to this site on 04 and was told to go pound sand.

I must say,the first vote was a perhaps a misunderstanding of what was to come,but the second vote was either ignorance or a group mentality that was a form of blind rage bordering on insanity. It's the problem with the right. You let Rove do your thinking for you. And that is a fact. You bought his special brand of BS and look what happened.
And now,your clutching at everything and anything devisive about the left to simply dismiss bush's wreckage and focus on your narrow minded agenda. It's a rage against your own ignorance and anger that drives you. You now understand I was correct all along,and no manner of left bashing will stop this train,you feel it in your very soul and it stings twice as much because your votes created the wide open door that Obama walked through.
Your parties denial of a womans right to choose,and your rally against gay marriage is all part of the old guard that is simply right wing lore that bush once referred to as a mandate. Some mandate it tuned out to be. Mandate of ignorance and greed and footsie in the mens room is about all that be claimed,at least in the eyes of the majority of Americans who will let their votes express their dissatisfaction.
Let the chips fall where they may,and may you have to suffer the galling defeat of your canidate as a result of the God awful last 8 years and the total melt down of the GOP.
I sure as hell hope he selects the traitor Lieberman,I really do. These two guys deserve each other,and you deserve them both
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Veteran Expediter
If you ask me the majority Democrat Congress we've had the last couple of years haven't done crap. Don't they have one of the lowest approval ratings of any Congress ever?


Veteran Expediter

Apparently we are brethren accroding to Bleemer, so here goes my brother.....

The first vote was against a person, Gore, who was not the best person to lead. His leader, Bill Clinton, of the previous 8 years didn't even support him in the election and this said everything about him, his lack of leadership qualities and so on. By the way he still lacks any leadership qualities.

The second vote was against a person who was an elitist, just like the present democratic candidate. I found his, Kerry's, rhetoric reeking of 'I know better for you because I can relate' cr*p. The people seemed not to care about this at all. By the way, he is still an elitist.

NOW I heard something from the BBC today that really makes too much sense. The person, one of them leftist Frenchy people was analyzing Billy's speech, makng a good comparison to the truth of Billy and the real truth on the points he claimed happened. She said this.... "....as much as people seem to blame President Bush for the present economic problems, the truth sits only with President Clinton and trying to prop up the economy after the Dot Com bust. He put in motion lowering interest rates at the same time relaxing banking rules that were in place since the Great Depression to produce another bubble. He promoted home ownership for people who could not and should not have been home owners to bring some changes to the economic landscape. The premise was to set the party up for a renewed champaign promise of bring back prospreity, hoping that the economy would fail by the 2004 election. It is a known fact that President Bush inheritied an economy that would fail, but when was the question."

As for Obama, the thing I heard from some German's asking why are we electing someone who we don't know who he is. I have to agree, the mandates of stifiling speech and trying to setup Obama as the Messiah has worked to a point, but no one has yet define what change is, especially if you include that he wants to change washington but has the same people who are part of the same problems that we are all tired of helping him get elected and even one being his VP. God when you think about how madding this is and how we have stepped so far back, it is just madding - no one can make this up.

Oh I am wondering if the Clintons want to see Obama lose this election, it may set Hillary up for 2012.

Maybe I should call you Comrade Tallcal, umm.....


Veteran Expediter

Thank you for aknowledging that you did in fact vote for bush.Although I have to take great exception to the reasoning that either Gore ot Kerry could have screwed the pooch to the extent the bush gang did.I never the less understand party lines,which is what your about at the end of the day. You let let Karl Rove and the Swift boat boys decide your and all of our fates. Just as bush now thinks setting deadlines to get out is a fine idea (the surge did not accomplish the goal of stabelizing the Iraq government,as they are once again on vacation while we keep the peace and nothing has been done) your rational falls on deaf ears.The Commrad Tallcal stuff is amusing ( I expect it from Pilgam and Leo,but not you). I really do hope Lieberman is the choice,it will befit the whole bloody mess and will be the last deparate act of a failed and miserable chapter of our nation. There is really no doubt it will forever be seen as the worst of times for our great nation.
I'm a little like Michelle Obama in that I will once again take great pride and be proud to be an American,and not have to shelter myself and turn the channel when our next elected President appears on television,or on the radio. I'm sure you will suffer great indignity and rip him apart,regardless of what happens,it's you job as you see it.But I for one will relish and bask in not having a dimwitted ,emotonaly crippled son of a rich guy letting mad dogs like Rumsfeld and dick head and the long list of other vermen who have either been run off or quit under suspicion run the nation.
I promise to watch the GOP folly next week,and will roll in the isles if they let block head through the doors. I'll be sure and add my comentary for you all to enjoy.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What woman's right? The right to kill babies? No one, not the swifties or anyone has made up my mind. I did. On my beliefs. Based on a very succesful life, where I EARNED my way through it. I don't no idea why you hate the entire world talcal, what a waste to harbor such hate. Don't you run a small business just like the rest of us in here? Only possible in a free country. Layoutshooter