What do you expect?


Veteran Expediter
I don't recall using the word hate in my posts Layout.I don't hate anyone. Not sure about the baby killing deal.In fact,more babies die in accidental over dose's and dirty incubators in our country then most third world countries. We are just behind Ghana in infant mortality as a result of accidents in hospital pediatric wards.And they are not pleasant deaths,I can assure you. I chose to home birth my 2 children for that very reason. The key word is chose. I guess you have the final word(a man) when life starts,but it's your opinion only.
As a man ,it's easy to dictate what a woman should do with her own body,we as men do it all the time.I happen to think a woman has the right to make that call,but this is a debate niether one of us has time for. I respect your opinion,but repectfully disagree whole heartedly with your premise. Education,which has been woefully ignored for the last 8 years,is certainly one road to help eliminate abortions,as is family planning at a younger age.

The people that voted for Bush are responsible for the suffereing we are now experiencing .I'm only pointing out the truth. I sold my 5 expediters when fuel hit $3.00 and put 12 people out of work. It hurt like hell,and I took a financial hit that I'm just now fully recovered from. But I got back up and kept fighting inspite knowing full well that Bush and his Arab bretheren could care less about my problems. I refused to let them win,but I'm certainly going to fight to make sure more like him don't follow in his foot steps. Four more years of the same folly will put us deeper in the chasm and may even bust the bank. We are now in the deepest deficit in history,and the Chinese own us. Spin it your way my friend, as I'm sure you will ,but it has less to do with hatred then it does with trying to make ends meet and figure out how in the world I can leave my grand children something other then scortched earth.
By the way,mi casa es tu casa if you ever get to the City by the Bay.
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Not a Member
Hey Greggy,
My name is not bleemer....So go back to reading your talmud and show more of your royal highbrowness to us Goyim. God only knows close to 7000 posting in three years on this board let alone others when do you have time to get to know everything? Must have a photographic memory. When do you ever get time to make money?..... You must be so busy with driving,reading,internet lurking and posting do you ever get time to sleep? What is your secret? The rest of us compared to you are just mortals....Please tell us great one
Want to call a truce o great one?:rolleyes:

Hey tallcal101,
I would have to say your right about Bush ..Although in his cabinet there are no Arabs. But its over 60 percent jewish with dual citizenship of Isreal and the United States....And the jewish folks only make up about 3 percent of our population...
Makes me wonder who the enemy is here...besides the Arabs..:rolleyes: I can dig up the proof the jews own oil companies too. Its a myth that its all the Arabs fault..It is the only thing the two can agree on is this racket.....
How many want to bet Greggy comes back with his brillant postings trying to prove me wrong or make me look stupid..?..;)
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Veteran Expediter
Bleeper, actually I misspell it because I can't seem to get used to this American keyboard..... you know these Hebrew keyboards don't have an overlay that sticks well..

Truce, OK as long as you understand that you need to expand your knowledge a bit.... like knowing that I am not Jewish but again, if you can show me some Jewish Jesuits I will accept what you say is true.

Oh I had a lot of time this week, my runs kept getting canceled and I kept getting poorer sitting, so off I went to Louisville with a load, dropped that off and had another going to PA, which is where I am sitting now with another ten hours off before I head back the promise land for some R&R and greet out of towners who may also be Jewish or well maybe Zionist... from Russia. Well actually they are Russian Orthodox and they will tell me what's happening in Mother Russia.

Have a good holiday... oh yea, that's right... it is Labor day.... never mind.....Just enjoy....:)

same to you Comrade Tallcal, enjoy the holiday. The comrade thing was meant to be funny.... no disrespect....:p


Not a Member
Bleeper, actually I misspell it because I can't seem to get used to this American keyboard..... you know these Hebrew keyboards don't have an overlay that sticks well..

Truce, OK as long as you understand that you need to expand your knowledge a bit.... like knowing that I am not Jewish but again, if you can show me some Jewish Jesuits I will accept what you say is true.

Oh I had a lot of time this week, my runs kept getting canceled and I kept getting poorer sitting, so off I went to Louisville with a load, dropped that off and had another going to PA, which is where I am sitting now with another ten hours off before I head back the promise land for some R&R and greet out of towners who may also be Jewish or well maybe Zionist... from Russia. Well actually they are Russian Orthodox and they will tell me what's happening in Mother Russia.

Have a good holiday... oh yea, that's right... it is Labor day.... never mind.....Just enjoy....:)

same to you Comrade Tallcal, enjoy the holiday. The comrade thing was meant to be funny.... no disrespect....:p

Really now Gweg, there is really no shame about you being honest that you are a khazarr.Why do you hide it? Your writing style and arrogance gives it away. And acccording to you and your media buddies the Russian can not be trusted. My knowledge is quite expanded on this subject..I believe it is you still thinking your tribes party line. And you know exactly what I mean. You have been exposed, you can try to dodge it all you want. No secret how you friends plant others to do their dirty work. Use the media and other sources to stir up the spin toward their enemies.. Me personally I believe your one of the other sources. Run it all ....Close to 7000 posting just at this website in three years...Many upon many in the soapbox area. Many upon many about politics and towing your tribes line.. Walks like a duck, Quacks like a duck, swims like a duck,,,its probably a duck,,,,,or if the shoe fits wear it......
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Retired Expediter
Greg your Jewish background is showing ...:)

" Oh by the way….. we are all Jewish when you come down to it… someway… somehow…."

According to the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus referred to have to leave for awhile to tend to his "other flock" This is the lead in for the existence of the whole Mormon Religion.

BTW Beemer...the font your using I can see now what drove the Venetians blind!! *L*
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Not a Member
Greg your Jewish background is showing ...:)

" Oh by the way….. we are all Jewish when you come down to it… someway… somehow…."

According to the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus referred to have to leave for awhile to tend to his "other flock" This is the lead in for the existence of the whole Mormon Religion.

BTW Beemer...the font your using I can see now what drove the Venetians blind!! *L*

Take off eh. I will call Doug and Bob on you eh?:D
Be carefull your startig a whole big argument with the mormom thing...Actually the older I ge the less I know about religion and I really don't knock anybodies...Not even the converted khazars like Greg. But someone will write in here and quote King James how they are right and every one else is goinng to hell..Want to bet?


Veteran Expediter
BTW Beemer...the font your using I can see now what drove the Venetians blind!! *L*

That’s too good

Well what can I say? I think the 7000 posts include PMs too. For some reason on the old site I didn’t have anywhere near 6000 and never paid attention to it – only my fan club has been informing me of it in their derogatory comments like it is such a big deal, how juvenile when you think about it. Seriously I am thinking that this version of software counts the PM for some reason, I know it is possible that it can. Maybe I should ask Dreamer to set my post count back to say 3000 or something like that, so you all stop worrying about it. By the way, these posts also include one and two and a few word posts to people questions, like the words “yes sir” or ‘I didn’t know that’ and I also assume that it include the social section of the forum and the classifieds. So just because it says 6,895 (which grew from 6,740 when I left, did I post 155 times in a 21 days?), may not mean that I really posted 6,895 times, understand? Oh and if they were giving out awards for the most posts, well I surely didn’t get one. To be exact, they may want to get rid of me.

Now onto other things, I don’t think insulting EO members and lurkers who are Jewish is the way to go. I mean I am not Jewish, if I was I wouldn’t deny it, but I am not. To say I am, may insult a lot who are, like Tallcal. I don’t know if he got the pun about being a brother of his, maybe he did but I hope he is enjoying his holiday.

As for other things, well just enjoy the holiday. I am going to work my a** off this weekend so I can get back on the road, it will be a Labor Day for me.


Not a Member
Really as many insults you have spewed toward people of Islam how on earth can you even say I am insulting? Someone finally calls the school ground bully on his bluff he doesn't like it. You write about insulting members and lurkers are jewish and have I really? I just told the truth about the kosher tax among other things and if the truth is an insult maybe they should clean up their act. ....Now how about all the members and lurkers who follow Islam? Why is it ok for you and few others who really have no clue who and how the majority of them are insult them at every given oppertunity? That there is proof enough of your jewish heritage...the double standard..Besides you arrogant and pompous writings..
Again you don't have to keep denying your jewish..Why do you?
No one will think any less of you if you were jewish. Are you ashamed of your heritage?