And Christmas is only 128 days away too.....I don't see why things should change now?....we blew thru 2 periods that should have been busy and did squat.......
I am on course to have the worst year since in the USA....7 years now.
always next year.....
Now we know why your phone was ringing.rolling to a concentra appointment. --eb
most of the ringing was for regular work all across michigan. then i guess i hit the concentra sweet spot. i knew exactly what it was when i was recalled to the office, but a second call redirected me straight to concentra livonia, since i just delivered near there.
Pottstown PA. Oh what fun delivering to a nuclear power plant.
Good Morning Fearless Leader!And good morning everyone. Another day and another airplane! Sunny, warm, and the phones are ringinghope everyone is having a good week and stay safe!
I'll bet they have a big heat gun.....It's hot in Dallas! Looks good turtle. Give OVM the paint shop number LOL.