With cervical spondylosis involving 4 intervertebral discs and spinal cord impingement, I have constant pain of which the level varies. My ortho, neuro and primary care have all offered me the option of Medical Marijuana. Not yet. It's not that I am afraid of a drug test...I just don't want to go THERE if I don't have to. I manage with aspirin, the occassional Tramadol, heat, and deep tissue massages to work out the muscle knots that develop from the base of my skull down to the bottom of my rib cage. To be honest, the pain has become a part of life, to the point it limits me some and really has changed the way I do daily things...but I don't want to go to MM (allergic to morphine and vicodin, found those out the hard way, and wouldn't want to go there either) because in my mind, that means the degenerative disc disease has won.
On a scale of 1-10, my pain level day to day averages about 6. There are those days, like this morning with the rain moving in, where it's about 14,396. Give or take. Three regular strength store brand aspirin will work wonders. I have tried Aleve, Extra Strength Excedrin and the like; yet even those don't work as well as Wally World's generic aspirin.
It may have slowed me down, but it's not going to overtake me.
"Bruises fade and bones will mend-but a psyche can be ruined FOREVER" : LisaLouHoo, c. 2008