US Supreme Court upholds key Arizona immigration clause


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not only don't be a leech but be here legal or get out. We have no need for those who's first act is to break our laws. We have enough home grown leeches, criminals, thug and bums without importing any.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's also easier to simply and quickly label something as race-baiting and bigoted instead of dealing with the issues directly. It's more convenient. Doing so also completely ignores the reality of human nature. There are plenty of white people today who long to take things back to the 1950s when blacks had little power, knew their place, and them dаmned Mexicans were all south of the border and NOT in your face at Walmart every Sunday. It's human nature to not like change, especially when the changes don't benefit you. Lots and lots of white folks are having a hard time dealing with the fact that America is increasingly less white, and whites are losing power, both in the larger political sense, and in the smaller local sense of every day life.

You asked if "most evangelicals racist and bigots ,but will vote for Romney because he is the "right color," is a bigoted statement. Well, no, it's not bigoted at all. It's a racist statement, though. It's also a true statement. Most evangelicals are racist, because most people in general are racist, whether they want to admit it or not. Everybody is racist to one degree or another. What matters is how you deal with that racism. Pretending it's not there is disingenuous at best. And it's not just most most evangelicals are bigots, but rather, evangelicals are the epitome of bigotry, as they don't even pretend to have he least little bit of tolerance for other religious beliefs. Bigotry is what defines evangelicals, and their mission.

And now your Moment of Zen...
Jesus hung out with twelve guys. Then, one got jealous and turned on Him. How gay is that? Plus, instead of turning water into beer, Jesus turned it into WINE. A nice fruity vintage with a slight peppery finish. That's a Bravo TV moment if there ever was one.

There are plenty of white folk who want to take things back to the 1950's Turtle says. I really don't know where your getting that. A lot of people from that era aren't around any longer so it doesn't really hold any water. Most folks ,regardless of race, nowadays carry on with their business and get along with each other.Your talking about three or four generations ago. I would argue there are plenty of race hustlers today white liberals and black leaders (mostly in politics) who want nothing more to perpetuate the notion that is what white male conservatives want today. It is not based on any reality but only used to drive a wedge between people and for political gain. Look at some of the issues argued right now:Voter I.D. law. Republicans want this because they are racist.
Arizona immigration law. Republicans want this because they are racist. Investigate Fast and Furious, republicans must be racist. It's only used by the hustlers to quash debate. It's come to this. Trying to enforce the laws of the land and you must be racist.


Veteran Expediter
I'd say it's a LOT more than that.......

It's one of the most bigotted posts witness has ever posted here.

I have other bigotted posts? Who knew?

Several decades ago in this country someone speaking out like this in a public forum would've earned that speaker a midnight "Visit" from one group or another...........

Care to try and pay me a midnight "Visit"? I'd welcome it.

B.T.W. who pray tell would that "group or another" be anyway?

I don't take kindly to thinly veiled threats, so I suggest you shut your pie hole before it gets you in trouble.

Obvioulsy my comments have hit you a little to close to home as well.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Keep it simple and the personal stuff out. Hopefully that hits close to home.


Expert Expediter
Keep it simple and the personal stuff out. Hopefully that hits close to home.

How about an "Infraction" over this????

Last time I got involved in a "personal attack" as this witness character just instigated.....a 30 day time out ensued.....

Nothing I posted above was "Personal"........Guess witness is having one of those double flow days....

How about we let him sit at home for a while with his mouth shut? :)


Retired Expediter
I think Brisco was referring to the KKK...not himself.....

When I first read the post I knew to what Brisco was personal threat there....just history
Last edited:


Veteran Expediter
There are plenty of white folk who want to take things back to the 1950's Turtle says. I really don't know where your getting that. A lot of people from that era aren't around any longer so it doesn't really hold any water. Most folks ,regardless of race, nowadays carry on with their business and get along with each other.Your talking about three or four generations ago. I would argue there are plenty of race hustlers today white liberals and black leaders (mostly in politics) who want nothing more to perpetuate the notion that is what white male conservatives want today. It is not based on any reality but only used to drive a wedge between people and for political gain. Look at some of the issues argued right now:Voter I.D. law. Republicans want this because they are racist.
Arizona immigration law. Republicans want this because they are racist. Investigate Fast and Furious, republicans must be racist. It's only used by the hustlers to quash debate. It's come to this. Trying to enforce the laws of the land and you must be racist.

I'm not arguing who or who isn't racist, in fact, I never accused anyone of being racist, you did(project much?). I am simply pointing out the tactics used by politicians when they want something. How they appeal to prejudice, demonizing or dehumanizing their opponent, using fear, uncertainty to undermine their opponent, flag waving, the oversimplication of the challenges we face as a nation just to get themselves back in power. Its not that they are doing the things I mentioned because they are racist, they are using these tactics to get themselves back in power. The Republicans are betting on the feelings of the middle aged white guy to get what they want and that may include their racist or biggoted tendencies. If you don't admit to being around people who are racist and or biggoted you are lying to youself.

Don't get me wrong, it goes both ways, it just so happens the Republicans are the ones trying to reclaim the Presidency so it is they who are the worse offenders at the time. And in my opinion have taken to an entirely different level.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"Don't get me wrong, it goes both ways, it just so happens the Republicans are the ones trying to reclaim the Presidency so it is they who are the worse offenders at the time. And in my opinion have taken to an entirely different level."

That has to be one of the funniest statements I have ever read. I have seen more racist garbage spouted by Obama's supporters that I have ever seen in my life. Just watch the "racism" add by Jeffery Feiger that is playing on Detroit area TV, or listen to Jessie, or Al, or just about anyone who supports Barry. I heard one Demomcrat arguing that attempting to find out what happened with "Fast and Furious" was "racist".


Veteran Expediter
I think Brisco was referring to the KKK...not himself.....

Really? <sarcasm>

When I first read the post I knew to what Brisco was personal threat there....just history

When you say someone would've "earned" a midnight visit, I take that as a thinly veiled threat. A hollow one, but a threat none the less. You got someone tracing the plight of America and its woes back to the Civil Rights era then refering to the KKK and midnight visits? Really? Are you kidding me?


Expert Expediter
When you say someone would've "earned" a midnight visit, I take that as a thinly veiled threat. A hollow one, but a threat none the less.

Did you not care to read the WHOLE post......or did you just USE this part to stir up trouble??

Several Decades Ago was also in there....thus I was speaking in the Past Tense......Never said a Speaker of those Bigotted Words would get a visit Today.


Expert Expediter
That has to be one of the funniest statements I have ever read. I have seen more racist garbage spouted by Obama's supporters that I have ever seen in my life. Just watch the "racism" add by Jeffery Feiger that is playing on Detroit area TV, or listen to Jessie, or Al, or just about anyone who supports Barry. I heard one Demomcrat arguing that attempting to find out what happened with "Fast and Furious" was "racist".

Can we get an A----MENNNN!! :)


Veteran Expediter
It won't help, Dave, but nice try.

Did you not care to read the WHOLE post......or did you just USE this part to stir up trouble??

Several Decades Ago was also in there....thus I was speaking in the Past Tense......Never said a Speaker of those Bigotted Words would get a visit Today.

I know what you meant. I'm sure you miss the good ole days, but my question to you is, why bring it up in the first place? Seriously, why would you bring up such an ugly time period of our history? Its rhetorical, no need to answer.

Let me ask you this. Do you think from what I said, a midnight visit would be:

A) a good thing
B) a bad thing


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Is it really a race issue? I'm not so sure. I like to think I am impartial, but could still be considered a racist. I look at what is a drain on our taxes and base my decision on that. Not a fan of affirmative action, amnesty for illegals, free or discounted college based on race, free health care, sanctuary cities, and the list goes on. Based on those numerous examples, I might be a racist.
Color of skin doesn't figure in to it for me.

Keeping the above in mind, why don't most feel the same way about the many immigrants coming from Asia? That number is getting very close to the illegal Mexicans coming in.
I believe the reason is they come here legally in the majority of cases, come already educated, and don't create the same type of drain on our financial and legal system.
Might be a thought to ponder before throwing out the race card.
Which is why the "Racial Profiling" card played by Latinos is an epic fail. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have problems with Mexicans and other Latinos, but the vast majority have a problem with the illegal ones, not the legal ones.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
It's not that I, or many others, don't like "Change"'s just that the changes that America is going through is making America a 3rd World Country.....a CessPool.....a place people all over the world are having 2nd thoughts about when it comes to where they wish to be to "Better" their lives.

Can we blame this change on "Racial Issues"??? Uhhhh......not being racist here.....just being a "Realist"......YEP!
I concur.

No longer is America the Apple Pie, the Sunday Morning Church, the Trusting your Politicians, both Local and Government, trusting your Teachers, the Schools, the Super Market owner down the street, your mechanic, and so many other examples, place to be "IN THE WORLD".
Sounds a lot like America in the 1950s.

I'd say America HAS changed dramatically over the last 4-5 decades. And, this is supposedly the same time frame we started implementing Anti Racist / Anti Bigotry programs and agendas to "Better America" for ALL RACES to enjoy.
Correct, in the 1960s, which came right after the 1950s. didn't work....and I am going to keep my Opinions over certain issues to myself to keep from being labeled a "Racist"....a "Bigot". I am in fact more of a Realist that is being forced to accept the "Changes" certain "Races" are inflicting upon me in the name of "Bettering America", and am also accepting the fact that America is getting worse off with each and every "Change" that is taking place.
Realism rulez.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
lol......need I say more?

All what ails America today can be traced back to the Civil Rights Movement? Thank you for proving my point.
And the advent of The Pill. The two together, The Pill and Forced Integration, comprise the root of most of America's problems today.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Anytime the government 'forces' personal change it causes more trouble than is solves. The government is the cause, not the solution, of the majority of the problems we have today.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
There are plenty of white folk who want to take things back to the 1950's Turtle says. I really don't know where your getting that.
I read EO, I talk to people, I'm observant.

A lot of people from that era aren't around any longer so it doesn't really hold any water.
You don't have to have been alive during that era to want things to be the way it was at that time. Things were more innocent, we had prayer in schools, political correctness hadn't been invented, you could let your kids walk to school without fear of them being abducted, the list goes on and on. You don't have had to live through that to want it to be that way again.

Most folks ,regardless of race, nowadays carry on with their business and get along with each other.Your talking about three or four generations ago. I would argue there are plenty of race hustlers today white liberals and black leaders (mostly in politics) who want nothing more to perpetuate the notion that is what white male conservatives want today. It is not based on any reality but only used to drive a wedge between people and for political gain. Look at some of the issues argued right now:Voter I.D. law. Republicans want this because they are racist.
That's a completely different issue from what many whites want today. You're talking about a consequence of what has happened over the last 50 years, That wedge is an important wedge to keep minorities, blacks in particular, on the victim side of the ledger. The wedge is an important tool to prevent, or as least slow down, the notion of most folks carrying on with their business and getting along with each other. If we carry on our business and get along with each other, blacks in particular can no longer claim to be the victim, and guilt can longer be used as an advantage to gain more ground.

Arizona immigration law. Republicans want this because they are racist. Investigate Fast and Furious, republicans must be racist. It's only used by the hustlers to quash debate. It's come to this. Trying to enforce the laws of the land and you must be racist.
Excellent examples of the Wedge.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Nothing I posted above was "Personal"........Guess witness is having one of those double flow days....

"It's one of the most bigotted posts witness has ever posted here."

It doesn't get any more personal than that. You responded to who posted it rather than what was posted. That was your mistake. Well, the first one. The second was believing you didn't respond in any way that was "personal'.

If you had said, "It's one of the most bigotted posts I have ever read here," it would have been responding to what was posted, rather than to who posted it.

If people stick to the issues, instead of who posted them, infractions and time outs would never be needed.


Veteran Expediter
Whites do not hold sole ownership of racisim it is shared equelly by all races and even in sub groups of races. It is just easier to point to the white guy. I do believe far less people are racist than many want us to believe.

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