Trucks have there gvw re-rated all the time... (glider kits ring a bell)the INCOMPLETE jam sticker is just that, incomplete, then when you alter the the tire and wheel pagkage or suspension packages in the case of a glider kit,they can legally change the gvw, IF you leave the tire and wheels as duallies then yes, you have not altered the truck to change the gvw...when they take the dualies off, and put on the single rear wheels, the truck has been altered and the DOT excepts that and allows the final stage manufacture to LOWER the GVW, they can not increase it..
There are suspension shops that will alter the spring packages for trucks and change the gvw, I know of 2 sprinters that have had this done...
And this is nothing new, final stage manufactures have been doing this legally for yrs...I sold cube vans when i was selling trucks that had altered GVW tags back in the 80's.....
Oh, and As Rocketman said, I was also told that the incomplete tag did not come into consideration..and removing it was fine...
Chef as I told you when I meet you I really like the cargomaxx but after my visit to the NY. state police post in Buffalo and about 4 hours of conversations with other supervisors from various states, I was getting the same answer. I went to a dealer in Upstate NY. and took a picture of the stickers and the truck itself and showed and explained what kind of unit it was to the NY Motor carrier enforcement supervisor. They are all telling me the troopers are trained to go by the original chassis manufacturers certification sticker, whether complete or incomplete, also by law that sticker CAN NOT be removed. That is why UNICELL does not remove it nor does the dealer. Call and ask there engineering dept. they will explain why.
This was just my findings I will just buy a gm 9,900 chassis when the time comes.
I was also told that if this truck is used in interstate commerce that it needs to follow ALL of the 10k plus rules/laws, was told if I were caught driving this unit and was asked to produce a log book and did not have one I would be shut down for 34 hours and be fined. I wish I was not getting these answers I could handle it if like one 1 or 2 of the states told me this, but all 6 is to much of a risk for me.
As for glider kits those trucks are always plated heavier than 10k. This unit has the problem of going from a governed unit to a ungoverned unit. In a commercial application, that is the big rub.
Also in PA. if you are in a truck that has a incomplete or complete gvw sticker above 26,001 then you have to have a CDL. EVEN if the truck is plated for 26,000 or less. This issue was brought up when speaking to them and I was told that this is a big issue in PA. Since the truck was manufactured above 26k it does not meet the same safety guidelines as those under 26k.
Unicell told me that they are de-rating these units because they have been altered and that the max safe gvw is what is listed on there sticker, not to exceed it.
Ford wrote a good article about re-rating trucks and why it is done and why it is hard if not impossible to re-rate some of there cutaways under 10k. Has something to do with the empty weight, stopping distance and crash safety of these units, apparently the safety rating for under 10k units is alot stricter than those above it. I found the article online by googleing de-rating trucks/ford.
I am not trying to steer anyone away from these units, I just want them to do research before they choose to buy one, so they know what they could be getting into. Some people will buy these and not worry about it and will probably never get pulled over, but my luck is not that good. I have been pulled over a couple of times just for window tint. I am just minding my own business tooling down the road at 58 and bamm!! pulled over, just last week on the NY thru way, that is actually what prompted me to go to the state police post. As the officer checked my door tag and STILL asked if I had a log book and I told him NO I AM 9600 GVW. I asked why he checked my door tag and he told me because I have a class A cdl
I asked what would happen with a 12,300 incomplete and a 9,900 complete, told me I would shut you down here if I did not have a logbook, med. card, markings and a few other things.