True scum at it worst


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There it is - the next step after normalization of homosexuality. The mentally ill are not abnormal at all, they're just misunderstood and oppressed. NAMBLA will be marching for their rights before we know it, and Nancy Pelosi will be in the streets of San Francisco holding hands with them. Next come the kooks that want to marry their cats and dogs. How's all this HOPE AND CHANGE working out for everyone??


Veteran Expediter
How's all this HOPE AND CHANGE working out for everyone??

What does this hope and change crap have to do with it, this has to do with redefining behaviors and it seems to continue the threat Turtle started about how mental health issues have been expanded. It has nothing to do with Obama, liberalism or anything like that - it is about the money.

I've said this too that the gay rights community has yet to distance themselves from these fringe groups who seem to be fighting along side of them. BUT until they do actually distance themselves, they are all the same to most of the society.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What does this hope and change crap have to do with it, this has to do with redefining behaviors and it seems to continue the threat Turtle started about how mental health issues have been expanded. It has nothing to do with Obama, liberalism or anything like that - it is about the money.
It has EVERYTHING to do with Obama, liberalism and anything like that including the money. The gays are a core constituency of the Democrat party and go hand-in-hand with the liberal intelligentsia.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association decided homosexuality was not a mental disorder "following a review of the scientific literature and consultation with experts in the field. The experts found that homosexuality does not meet the criteria to be considered a mental illness."
Sexual Orientation
We can see history about to repeat itself; these eggheads are trying to recast this perversion as acceptable now because it's likely they'll never have a more sympathetic administration or more liberal influence to aid and abet their effort. Of course Obama and his lackeys won't offer any visible recognition to this nonsense, but behind the scenes there might be some legal maneuvering they could do to help the cause of these perverts. Hopefully, Congress and the general public will insist on a higher standard of decency and insist these sickos stay in prison where they belong.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What does this have to do with neo-liberalism? Well, you will find this kind of thing at a LIBERAL college like Harvard. Bet you won't find it at Hillsdale College.

I can see it at Harvard. Those "good old boys" at the Harvard club need a fresh supply of dishwashers.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
It has EVERYTHING to do with Obama, liberalism and anything like that including the money. The gays are a core constituency of the Democrat party and go hand-in-hand with the liberal intelligentsia.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association decided homosexuality was not a mental disorder "following a review of the scientific literature and consultation with experts in the field. The experts found that homosexuality does not meet the criteria to be considered a mental illness."
Sexual Orientation
We can see history about to repeat itself; these eggheads are trying to recast this perversion as acceptable now because it's likely they'll never have a more sympathetic administration or more liberal influence to aid and abet their effort. Of course Obama and his lackeys won't offer any visible recognition to this nonsense, but behind the scenes there might be some legal maneuvering they could do to help the cause of these perverts. Hopefully, Congress and the general public will insist on a higher standard of decency and insist these sickos stay in prison where they belong.

Is Sexual Orientation a position thingy, like rightside up or upside down, left to right, doggie,prone,inverted,right to left,45 degrees, perpendicular,cotangent,tanget, or just leaning on it.:eek: We will have a town hall meeting on the above terms, bring ur 3rd grade protractor, plastic rule, and crayons if u wish. No cameras will be confiscated and no cops with or without donuts will be allowed, but u can bring ur on Lemonade if u wish.


Veteran Expediter
It has EVERYTHING to do with Obama, liberalism and anything like that including the money. ...

Sorry Turkey day dude, if this was a main stay of the Obama administration as you suggest, then we would have already seen a move to include pedophiles and sexual deviants included in what is considered a class used to fight discrimination - we have not.

In addition, the Obama administration and congress would have also fought to see that pedophiles and sexual deviants would not be on sex offenders lists or even charged with crime.

JUST because a group of people wants to make it normal and have some acceptance does not mean that the administration or the democratic party also equated pedophiles with gays or fights for their acceptance all the same.

THIS all seems to be a myopic view of things and in part supports my argument with the gay rights people who need to distance themselves from those other groups who view pedophiles and deviants as part of their life style.

Overall to make it a serious issue that the democratic party would embrace, it would have to shed the social foundation we have in this country and remove any and all semblance of sanity in order for it to actually make it an issue.

I think this illustrates the problem with the whole gay marriage problem that some have, for them it isn't about the people but the idea that it may be a liberal thing or some other stupid reason to fight for the institute of marriage. I guess they are soooo wrong and more so the argument is not just flawed but asinine because if there was a fight to be had, it should have started with accepting divorce as the norm and for those religious leaders throwing people out of their church who are divorced. Divorce is more of a threat to marriage than two same sex people getting "married". The same goes for single parents who never intended to be married, this is now a norm in society but does it make it right? Not really in the context of defending the institute of marriage - not speaking of the other issues it has along with it. This is one reason why Perry and other so called conservatives can't get votes they need to win the white house from many independents, their message is flawed and they keep running back to those in the religious communities who are for the most part could not deliver the votes to get them elected in the first place - the same kook fringe type who reside on the opposite side of the tracks that many continue to squawk about.


Veteran Expediter
I don't know what El Rushbo says, but the proper term is, in fact, intelligentsia.

I stand corrected, you are absolutely correct. My apologies to Mr. Turkey Day and others. Since Mr. Limbaugh likes to use the term frequently I googled, Limbaugh inteligencia and the first link that came up was: Rush on Bachmann: Conservative Inteligencia Are Trying To Take Down Conservative Tea Party Candidates – Daily Rush Limbaugh & Conservative Video Post.

I should've looked into it further. Again, my apologies.


Veteran Expediter
Fake outrage, while juvenile, gets results. The left should know it; they use it all the time. Hell... they win elections with it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Inteligencia, Hillsdale College, boy does this explain a lot. Just like Rush, just a bunch of fake outrage.[/QUOTE

You don't know me, how can you say anything about "fake outrage"? Did Randy tell you or something?

What is wrong with a private education institution having their own beliefs? Is that against the Constitution some how? Are colleges REQUIRED to be liberal? (not that I believe for ON SECOND that today's "liberals" are)

Funny, in this country today, the very people that started the fight for our independence are being outlawed. Strange.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Is Sexual Orientation a position thingy, like rightside up or upside down, left to right, doggie,prone,inverted,right to left,45 degrees, perpendicular,cotangent,tanget, or just leaning on it.:eek: We will have a town hall meeting on the above terms, bring ur 3rd grade protractor, plastic rule, and crayons if u wish. No cameras will be confiscated and no cops with or without donuts will be allowed, but u can bring ur on Lemonade if u wish.

Let's try this exercise: take your mouse - the clicky thingy you move around with your right hand if you're right-handed - and move the cursor so it's over the word in blue: Sexual Orientation. See how it turns into a little hand thingy that points? Now push the front left button on your mouse and LIKE, WOW!!:eek: IT'S MAGIC:D An article about SEXUAL ORIENTATION pops up out of nowhere. When you see text in blue like that it's called a link, and it takes you to a new place on the web. It's really kewl.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
By the way, Hillsdale was just an example, they are not far from where I live so I thought about them.

Bet you would not find this NAMBLA garbage here either.



Veteran Expediter
You don't know me, how can you say anything about "fake outrage"? Did Randy tell you or something?

Just an observation is all. And who is Randy?

What is wrong with a private education institution having their own beliefs?

uhhhh.....nothing. I didn't say there was. :confused:

Is that against the Constitution some how? Are colleges REQUIRED to be liberal? (not that I believe for ON SECOND that today's "liberals" are)

Serioulsy, what are talking about?

Funny, in this country today, the very people that started the fight for our independence are being outlawed. Strange.

Who are these people that you are speaking of and what is being outlawed? I really think you need to take the advice of greg and take a break bro.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Randy Rhodes or however you spell her name. Some left wing entertainer along the lines of Rush. Just a talking head.

Militias, you know, like the "Minute Men"? Private guns owners.

Just musing. Nothing more.

Get off the "need a rest" garbage while you are at it. Uncalled for. Greg jokes, you don't appear too. If and when I feel Greg is off base, I tell him too. If I am wrong, sorry.