Truck Driver's IQ


Veteran Expediter
Ahhh.....after scrolled thru this thread. I went and listened to CCR Susie Q. My endorphine just went up 10 folds. SQ anytime baby! :):):)


Seasoned Expediter
Yes I sit around all day trying to make up information to pass by you guys. Wow you guys are so quick! The info is from Wikipedia.
Well, that certainly lends credibiity to your post! Wikipedia has never been known to have bad information, well, except for the contributions I've made to it.

You read it on the internet - and therefore MUST be correct. Ya' know if it's on the internet it can't be wrong, otherwise it wouldn't be there.

And I'm a French model...


Expert Expediter
160+ Geniuses and truckers you'll never meet because they're not hanging out in the truck stop lounge.

120-159 Graduate degree and 20 years experience in his chosen field, drives a truck because his job is in India.

100-119 once delivered a load to a college campus

80-99 governed company truck, hanging out in the left lane with the blinker on for the last 200 miles.

Below 80 Go Yankees