Truck Driver's IQ


Seasoned Expediter
umm...uhhh..... uhh uhhh....ummm....(sniff) welll....geez.....uhhhh...ooooo.(scratch) hmmmm....uhhh...yeppers....ummmm (beltch) uhhh...ummm...thanks...bye


Veteran Expediter
You know you're in trouble when your IQ level is lower than your diastolic blood pressure. Is there anyone in here intelligent enough to get the joke out of that one? I was off my game earlier because I made this joke up quite a few years back!


Retired Expediter
You know you're in trouble when your IQ level is lower than your diastolic blood pressure. Is there anyone in here intelligent enough to get the joke out of that one? I was off my game earlier because I made this joke up quite a few years back!

That explains a lot about me....sometimes smart, sometimes dumb as a rock....LOL


Veteran Expediter
The people Ive worked with over the years have educated me far beyond any school, my Dad used to make me follow him as he repaired and built things around the house, when i was a kid i wanted to roller skate and play, Im glad I learned these practical things they came in handy long after my dad was gone, he taught me electricity, woodworking, painting, how to use tools, what they did, and he made me keep them clean and take care fo them, again long after Dad was gone i praised him in Heaven for making me do these tasks. Too many smart people dont have common sense, a simple thing that allows you to exist in the world. I graduated from HS, went to trade school, Electrical trade school, and Diesel trade school, worked in Hollywood and saw so many talented people building and creating things, designing and such.....I dont take a PHD from anyone but if you cant change the flap valve in your toilet, yet you can divide Pi by infinite amounts which is more valuable. I dont know what my IQ is, but my Dad taught me lifeskills that I wouldnt exchange for the highest college degree.

You, sir, are a lucky man to have had a dad like that. My father-in-law was like that; unfortunately I wasn't raised that way. My wife still wishes I was handy around the house, but unfortunately I'm not :(

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The difference between stupidity and genius
is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

Another drive posting from "dabluzman"

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Ragman, when you have a moment we could use a picture of a *******. No hurry, whenever you have the time.

Thank you in advance.

Edit: I thought that would happen. It was the other word for a donkey.


Veteran Expediter
This thread reminds me of the sitcom "Frasier". Both sons are eminent psychiatrists; neither has a quarter of the common sense their father has. Of course, the dad could not have survived 30 years on a big-city police force without at least a smidgen of common sense....

As for IQ, mine is 142. That and two bucks will get me a 24-oz coffee at Pilot. I will admit that being a near-genius has given me a gift for figuring out sales tax and tips, but by my own admission, I'm not exactly a rocket scientist.

I have a 'gift' for figuring tax & tips, too: adding the easy % [1, 5, 10] in my head. I've gotten pretty fast, but I never attributed it to intelligence, I always thought it's laziness. Hahaha

PS I was a high school dropout who tested into a job that required a degree in journalism [proofreading]. So much for all the stereotypes, cause I'm happier driving a truck than any job I've ever done.


Veteran Expediter
The op reminds me of the truck driver who delivered a new set of office furniture to an attorney. The delivery was just down the road from the furniture store.

The attorney looked at the shipping bill and said "Jezum crow, that's more than I make per hour as a lawyer!"

"I know" said the truck driver, "it's more than I made per hour when I was a lawyer, too."


Veteran Expediter
Absolutely correct. Just ignore him and he will slink back under his rock.

Or not. Seems he must have killed the proverbial Egyptian sometime during the night, because Dreamer has sent him into the desert. Wonder if it will take him the full 40 years to get straightened out before he's allowed to plead his case before Pharaoh again? :D


This is very interesting. May be some of us are in the wrong line of working then. Mine is upwards of that, but you know what a high IQ gets you these days. Absolutely nothing really, unless you want to be in Mensa or something.
cdl lawyers


Veteran Expediter
I wouldn't be too concerned unless your IQ is the equivalent of the current average rate per mile for cargo vans. If that is the case you better start keeping notes on how to tie your shoes and wipe yourself after you go to the bathroom. And if your IQ is as low as the lowest cargo van rate going from Laredo to Detroit, you better really panic. lol.


Veteran Expediter
I've only been in transportation for about 23 years, so take this for what it's worth to you..,,,.,
Success in trans depends on your goals. But, in my humble opinion, that success hinges on a combination of excellent service, effort, care for equipment, flexibility, great communication, gratitude back to the companies that feed you, and either a healthy bank roll or substantial credit to operate "hard" while being paid on the slow periods.
I am positive I left a few important aspects out of this equation so bring it on trollers.


Veteran Expediter
Average adult combined IQs associated with real-life accomplishments by various tests:[88][89]

MDs, JDs, or PhDs 125+ (WAIS-R, 1987)
College graduates 112 (KAIT, 2000; K-BIT, 1992), 115 (WAIS-R)
1–3 years of college 104 (KAIT, K-BIT), 105-110 (WAIS-R)
Clerical and sales workers 100-105
High school graduates, skilled workers (e.g., electricians, cabinetmakers) 100 (KAIT, WAIS-R), 97 (K-BIT)
1–3 years of high school (completed 9–11 years of school) 94 (KAIT), 90 (K-BIT), 95 (WAIS-R)
Semi-skilled workers (e.g., truck drivers, factory workers) 90-95

No wonder I was wasting my time posting anything. Talking to a bunch of people with a 90-95 IQ is like talking to the guy that works at the dump. Plus getting advise from them is a bonus! Bling Bling!

Duh! What you talking bout!


Veteran Expediter
Average adult combined IQs associated with real-life accomplishments by various tests:[88][89]

MDs, JDs, or PhDs 125+ (WAIS-R, 1987)
College graduates 112 (KAIT, 2000; K-BIT, 1992), 115 (WAIS-R)
1–3 years of college 104 (KAIT, K-BIT), 105-110 (WAIS-R)
Clerical and sales workers 100-105
High school graduates, skilled workers (e.g., electricians, cabinetmakers) 100 (KAIT, WAIS-R), 97 (K-BIT)
1–3 years of high school (completed 9–11 years of school) 94 (KAIT), 90 (K-BIT), 95 (WAIS-R)
Semi-skilled workers (e.g., truck drivers, factory workers) 90-95

No wonder I was wasting my time posting anything. Talking to a bunch of people with a 90-95 IQ is like talking to the guy that works at the dump. Plus getting advise from them is a bonus! Bling Bling!

How do you know the IQ of the guy working at the Dump?