Tragic Death for American Military Hero


Veteran Expediter
It appears likely GWB took the US to war in Iraq primarily to even an old score with Saddam Hussein. Unfortunately, the weapons of mass destruction( given as causus belli) never really materialized. In the emotional furor immediately following the Sept 11th attacks, many Americans were demanding a war response. Maybe there were WMD, maybe not. We were too easily led to war in Iraq.


Expert Expediter
Maybe there were WMD, maybe not. We were too easily led to war in Iraq.

Perhaps to understand how Americans were led into the war, it helps to revisit some of the statements from our leaders and the public response to them:

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear-weapons production."*
President Bush

Public Reaction: What is that lunatic talking about now?

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us,"
Vice President Dick Cheney.

Public Reaction: Dick who? Isn't he the guy who shot that other guy and had a bunch of heart attacks. I don't trust him.

"We know where they are [Iraq's weapons of mass destruction]. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

Public Reaction: Huh? Where's the remote?

"My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we are giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence."
"Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical-weapons agent."
Gen. Colin Powell

Public Reaction: WHAT! This guy don't lie! Them towel heads is fixin to bomb our azz! Let's get em first! Go Prez, give it to em good!

Like the shelled one says: You just can't make this stuff up. :rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
Just checking in to see if the definitive and irrefutable "How Lying To The American People To Enable Going To War In Iraq Defended The Constitution" white paper has been posted yet ...

Apparently, given the time being taken to construct this tome, it promises to be a real tour-de-force of patriotic intellectualism ...

... anyone, anyone ... Bueller ?

I dunno ... maybe someone just forgot it and left it behind on the Mayflower ...


Veteran Expediter
I can't believe there are people that are so misinformed that they don't know WMD's were found in Iraq. You really can't make this stuff up, the ignorance of some people is astonishing.


Expert Expediter
Just checking in to see if the definitive and irrefutable "How Lying To The American People To Enable Going To War In Iraq Defended The Constitution" white paper has been posted yet ...

It was hidden with WMDs. Be patient, we should find them any day now. I lost my keys one time and could swear they disappeared but . . . :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
It was hidden with WMDs. Be patient, we should find them any day now. I lost my keys one time and could swear they disappeared but . . . :rolleyes:

Please do a Google search for "WMD found in Iraq" or look at Wikileaks, both will confirm you are wrong.


Veteran Expediter
It appears likely GWB took the US to war in Iraq primarily to even an old score with Saddam Hussein.
Sure seems that way don't it ?

What does that tell us about the "nature of men" ... even when said men ideologically meet with our political approval ?

Unfortunately, the weapons of mass destruction (given as causus belli) never really materialized. Maybe there were WMD, maybe not.
Regardless of whether there were or there weren't, it really doesn't make any difference - the mere existence of WMD's in Iraq's possession wouldn't have constituted a legitimate causus belli ...

Seeing a (so-called) "conservative" - one who undoubtedly believes in the fundamental right of self-defense - argue that it would have, would no doubt be highly entertaining however ...

In the emotional furor immediately following the Sept 11th attacks, many Americans were demanding a war response. We were too easily led to war in Iraq.
And you think government "propaganda" (lies and misinformation) is "good" ?

Seriously ?


Veteran Expediter
"Maybe there were WMD, maybe there wasn't" seems to be a pretty pathetic statement in regards to a reason for entering into war.


Veteran Expediter
Please do a Google search for "WMD found in Iraq" or look at Wikileaks, both will confirm you are wrong.
The "WMD's" that you refer to were already known about, prior to the start of festivities ...

AFAIK, there were no large caches of previously unknown WMD's found (that there might be unknown WMD's was part of the lie in order to sell the war)

And AFAIK, all remnants of the WMD's that you are referring to, that were located during/after the war, were in a degraded state and essentially no longer functional ...

IOW: "WMD's in Iraq" was a lie ...

So please don't carelessly contribute to the furtherance of a lie.

Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Veteran Expediter
They were found!? Who's got em? Did they find the paper? How bout my keys? :p

They were found in Iraq as well as Syria and one of Saddam's generals stated they started moving them there. Please for the love of God just do a Google search on it or look at Wikileaks. If you don't want to believe the media, yes even the liberal media reported on it, I can tell you that my brother went over twice and my cousin 3 times and they know beyond a shadow of a doubt WMD's were found.


Veteran Expediter
The "WMD's" that you refer to were already known about, prior to the start of festivities ...

AFAIK, there were no large caches of previously unknown WMD's found (that there might be unknown WMD's was part of the lie in order to sell the war)

And AFAIK, all remnants of the WMD's that you are referring to, that were located during/after the war, were in a degraded state and essentially no longer functional ...

IOW: "WMD's in Iraq" was a lie ...

So please don't carelessly contribute to the furtherance of a lie.

Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do your own search rather than just relying on a single site, there were more than just the degraded ones found.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
" I can tell you that my brother went over twice and my cousin 3 times and they know beyond a shadow of a doubt WMD's were found."

The same can be said for my son, my nephew and all of those guys who were up at my hunting camp.

The movement into Syria, starting about 18 months prior to our going in, was well known.


Veteran Expediter
The same can be said for my son, my nephew and all of those guys who were up at my hunting camp.

The movement into Syria, starting about 18 months prior to our going in, was well known.

But wouldn't you rather take the word of people that weren't there and that are arguing against facts begrudgingly reported by the liberal media, or documents that were leaked to and posted by a website that loves making the government look bad?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
But wouldn't you rather take the word of people that weren't there and that are arguing against facts begrudgingly reported by the liberal media, or documents that were leaked to and posted by a website that loves making the government look bad?

MMMMMM Let's see, that is a tough one to be sure. I am thinking it over, mmmmmmmmmmm NOPE!


Veteran Expediter
Do your own search rather than just relying on a single site, there were more than just the degraded ones found.
I could spend the next week (or year) rummaging around on the internet ... sorting through all the political hack sites and blogs that misappropriate/misuse/twist some (legitimate) info to serve their own ends ... of misleading others on the matter.

Why don't you just share the site(s) you're relying on as evidence of your claim ?

Or point directly to the actual Wikileaks docs that you believe support your contention ...


Veteran Expediter
The same can be said for my son, my nephew and all of those guys who were up at my hunting camp.

The movement into Syria, starting about 18 months prior to our going in, was well known.
The veracity of your statements, and your credibility, are questionable ... at best ...