The war on the West thru Christmas


Veteran Expediter
That would make sense if the commercial were broadcast worldwide, but it's not. For a commercial broadcast only in a country where the vast majority celebrate Christmas, the reason has to be something else.
And I'm not even talking about the spiritual aspect of Christmas, merely the traditional. Christmas, even as commercialized as it's become, is what we do here.

It does make sense America now has more atheists Muslim Hindu etc than ever.

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums


Seasoned Expediter
Moronic Post of the Day.

I'm pretty sure assuming your religious holiday is the only one and being offended that corporations are trying to get everyone's business and not just the Christian business is more moronic.
I could care less if you merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, seaons greetings or festivus for the rest of us. You're the one whining that you're religion isn't recognized above all others and how dare they not exclude others.

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(


Expert Expediter
Kwanzaa is fictitious and not a gift-giving occasion; Hanukkah is not a multi-gift occasion like Christmas; New Year's Day is irrelevant here; and whatever Saturnalia is, it isn't a western holiday. We all know the score here. This is directed at Western institutions only.

Kwanzaa is real,....and the "gift giving tradition" of xmas ...was borrowed from Saternalia? Xmas tradition itself, is just alot of pagan winter solstice traditions mashed together...from Santa to the Misletoe.

Sent from my Teddy Ruxspin


Veteran Expediter
First, we Christians are "in the world, not of the world", so, when these things happen, why are you surprised? Every year we get these "War on Christmas" stories because some clerk at a K-Mart says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas.". At last count, three major world religions (Christian, Jewish and Muslim) all have holidays on or about this time. Throw in the made-up Kwanzaa, and the pagan Solstice celebrations for good measure-- seems everybody is celebrating something.

Is the phrase "Happy Holidays" really worth getting your knickers in a knot? I have my doubts.

How about this: If you're really out to celebrate Christmas, how about going to your church (if possible, some churches are closed Christmas Day) and giving Him some of your time? In any case, blowing a gasket because the sales help at your local Target says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" isn't the best way to show others what the love of Christ is really all about. It just makes us look goofy.


Veteran Expediter
I heard a cop say happy holidays last week. :eek:

Sent from my Fisher Price ABC123 via EO Forums


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Kwanzaa is fictitious and not a gift-giving occasion;
Kwanza isn't fictitious, it's quite real. It's a recently created holiday, first celebrated in 1966, but so was Christmas at one point early on. Kwanza is, absolutely, a gift-giving occasion.

Hanukkah is not a multi-gift occasion like Christmas;
Actually, it is. Traditionally the Hanikkah gift was gelt, and the more "Christsmassy" type of gift giving happened on Purim rather than at Christmas time. But over the years most Jews more or less combine the Purim gift giving into the time of Christmas, simply to make it more convenient for Jews to follow the Christian "Holiday season". It's purely a commercial bending of tradition. That way Jews don't have to shop when absolutely no stores have sales and/or extra stock of gifts.

New Year's Day is irrelevant here;
How can a recognized holiday that happens during the "Holiday Season" when people say "Happy Holidays" be irrelevant here? Would you prefer that people recite each and every holiday? "Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and a Helluva Hanukkah and a Kewl Kwanza and a Yummy Yule and Satisfying Saint Nicolas Day and an Excellent Epiphany Day."

Seems like a simple "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holiday" covers all the bases.

I'd love to hear your opinion on "Have a nice day," since, you know, that's a slap in the face for nocturnals.

and whatever Saturnalia is, it isn't a western holiday. We all know the score here. This is directed at Western institutions only.

Is your self-worth and strength of religious belief somehow tied into how AT&T and other business entities market themselves? If not, then what do you care? What does it matter?


Veteran Expediter
I had to look the critter up. The Saturnalia isn't a current Western holiday, but a quick look-see shows where many of the current Christmas traditions come from. The rest of the traditions seem to come from Germanic pagan celebrations. Maybe "Happy Holidays" isn't such a bad deal after all. Certainly, I can think of more worthy things to get bent out of shape over.

Saturnalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Veteran Expediter
I'm pretty sure assuming your religious holiday is the only one and being offended that corporations are trying to get everyone's business and not just the Christian business is more moronic.
I could care less if you merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, seaons greetings or festivus for the rest of us. You're the one whining that you're religion isn't recognized above all others and how dare they not exclude others.

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(

I'm sure you mean you couldn't care less. But it's not the religious aspect of Christmas that's being slighted. It's Western culture--our culture. Christmas is what we do here.


Seasoned Expediter
I'm sure you mean you couldn't care less. But it's not the religious aspect of Christmas that's being slighted. It's Western culture--our culture. Christmas is what we do here.

No that's your culture it's what you's not my culture it's not what I do. There are plenty of Americans who do not celebrate Christmas but another holiday whether it's Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Yule or whatever...matter of fact I don't hear them complaining that someone said Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, etc.
Why the panty bunch over being inclusive of other celebrations?

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"I could care less" is the sarcastic euphemism for the literal "I couldn't care less." Both mean exactly the same thing.


Veteran Expediter
"I could care less" is the sarcastic euphemism for the literal "I couldn't care less." Both mean exactly the same thing.

No, actually they don't. "I couldn't care less" is the appropriate sarcastic phrase. "I could care less" is the precise opposite, said out of ignorance. It's the way it's said thousands of times a day, like the non-word "irregardless." People hear words and phrases like those and adopt them out of ignorance. Unfortunately, they become part of the lexicon and are hard to eradicate.


Seasoned Expediter
It's okay Turtle I'm quite sure he wants to get one over on me for correcting someone else yesterday...they also were intent on proving my ignorance. I may not be uber smart but I ain't no dummy so I won't lose sleep! :D

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(


Veteran Expediter
Ok, the points to respond to are spread out over numerous posts, so I'll have to aggregate my points here.

·It's not the religious aspect in play here. I'm not complaining that Christianity is being slighted. It is, but that's a wholly separate issue.

·This is a matter of Western culture. As Savage says, a nation is defined by borders, language, and culture, and that we celebrate the civil and religious holidays of Christmas is what we do in this country. No one has to, and you're certainly free to celebrate Chanukah or even Festivus if you like. But the vast, vast majority of Americans celebrate Christmas.

·Kwanzaa is, indeed, fraudulent. It was invented by a criminal for ridiculous purposes, and though you certainly have the right to observe it if you want to be foolish, it deserves no recognition from anybody.

·Christmas--the civil observance-- is the only holiday in play here that revolves around substantial gift giving. Chanukah has some gift giving, but it's actually a relatively minor Jewish holiday. You can't compare (civil observance-wise) the gift giving at Christmas with getting small gifts like a dreidel. They're not the same thing. Chanukah is not the Jewish equivalent of Christmas.

·The de-evolution of "Merry Christmas" into "Happy Holidays!" at Target and others is similarly offensive. "Merry Christmas", unless you know for a fact someone celebrates something else, is standard here. That's American culture and that's how it must stay. If you celebrate some outer space holiday and you hear "Merry Christmas," say, "Thank you, and a happy Shama-lamma Ding Dong to you." Then the other person will know you celebrate something else and can wish you a Happy Zisboombah or whatever else in return.

·If you want your observance to have primacy, move to wherever that's primarily observed. For Judaism, that would be Israel or even moreso, New York City or West Palm. For whatever filthy observance Muslims make, maybe that one where they beat their chests and cut themselves, that would be some filthy third-world (rhymes with spithole) like Yemen or Dearborn or Hamtramck (funny how Islam and third-world spitholes go together, isn't it?). Here in America, it's Christmas. That's American culture, and this is America. See how they go together?

·No matter what you celebrate, the amalgamated "holiday season" crap should offend everybody.


Seasoned Expediter
Ok, the points to respond to are spread out over numerous posts, so I'll have to aggregate my points here.

·It's not the religious aspect in play here. I'm not complaining that Christianity is being slighted. It is, but that's a wholly separate issue.

·This is a matter of Western culture. As Savage says, a nation is defined by borders, language, and culture, and that we celebrate the civil and religious holidays of Christmas is what we do in this country. No one has to, and you're certainly free to celebrate Chanukah or even Festivus if you like. But the vast, vast majority of Americans celebrate Christmas.

·Kwanzaa is, indeed, fraudulent. It was invented by a criminal for ridiculous purposes, and though you certainly have the right to observe it if you want to be foolish, it deserves no recognition from anybody.

·Christmas--the civil observance-- is the only holiday in play here that revolves around substantial gift giving. Chanukah has some gift giving, but it's actually a relatively minor Jewish holiday. You can't compare (civil observance-wise) the gift giving at Christmas with getting small gifts like a dreidel. They're not the same thing. Chanukah is not the Jewish equivalent of Christmas.

·The de-evolution of "Merry Christmas" into "Happy Holidays!" at Target and others is similarly offensive. "Merry Christmas", unless you know for a fact someone celebrates something else, is standard here. That's American culture and that's how it must stay. If you celebrate some outer space holiday and you hear "Merry Christmas," say, "Thank you, and a happy Shama-lamma Ding Dong to you." Then the other person will know you celebrate something else and can wish you a Happy Zisboombah or whatever else in return.

·If you want your observance to have primacy, move to wherever that's primarily observed. For Judaism, that would be Israel or even moreso, New York City or West Palm. For whatever filthy observance Muslims make, maybe that one where they beat their chests and cut themselves, that would be some filthy third-world (rhymes with spithole) like Yemen or Dearborn or Hamtramck (funny how Islam and third-world spitholes go together, isn't it?). Here in America, it's Christmas. That's American culture, and this is America. See how they go together?

·No matter what you celebrate, the amalgamated "holiday season" crap should offend everybody.

In other words you want to be what's wrong in America, to be the problem not the solution.
I'm out the sh*t is too deep and I really must say it stinks. I don't play well with racist narrow minded people, enjoy your Christmas war.

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(


Veteran Expediter
In other words you want to be what's wrong in America, to be the problem not the solution.
I'm out the sh*t is too deep and I really must say it stinks. I don't play well with racist narrow minded people, enjoy your Christmas war.

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(

This has nothing to do with race. It's a matter of culture--everything that's right about America. That you played the race card makes you the racist.


Seasoned Expediter
Oops that was a mistake...I meant prejudice. Talking, typing and multi tasking gets me in trouble everytime.
Now that it's corrected...bye! I'm not arguing with you because I doubt after your horrible statements that you'll change your narrow view, it's a waste of my time. Some people enjoy being the problem, so enjoy!

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(


Veteran Expediter
It's really nice, for a change, to see everyone getting along so well.

H A P P Y _ H A N N A K W A N Z M U S !

And to all, a good night.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
No, actually they don't. "I couldn't care less" is the appropriate sarcastic phrase. "I could care less" is the precise opposite, said out of ignorance. It's the way it's said thousands of times a day, like the non-word "irregardless." People hear words and phrases like those and adopt them out of ignorance. Unfortunately, they become part of the lexicon and are hard to eradicate.

Sorry, no. "I couldn't care less" literally means that it is impossible to care any less about something. Someone may indeed say such a thing sarcastically, but, irregardless, it's meaning is nonetheless absolute.

"I could care less", on other other hand, means the exact opposite, that it is possible to care less about something.

I assure you that I know the difference between the two, and when I say either one, I am not saying it out of ignorance. I say one to be precise, and I say the other when I want to be more sardonically sarcastic, but it either case, they both mean that I don't care - in the extreme - about something.

Add far as irregardless is concerned, I could care less (which is a euphemism for a very sarcastic, "I could give a rat's furry little crack"), which means I really cannot think of anything that I might actually care less about.

As for Kwanzaa, well, which it's it? Fictitious or fraudulent? And why does it bother you that people want to celebrate it as a holiday?

Regarding this never-changing, set-in-stone Western Culture that you seem to think everyone should be required to participate in, the culture of the west in general and of America in particular has been evolving since well before Columbus confused the Caribbean with a whole 'nother continent. The civil observance as you remember from your childhood is not likely to ever happen again. The cultural base simply isn't the same anymore. 50 years from now people will be complaining that things should be more like it was back in the 2010s, the good old days when things were simpler.