The Trump Card...


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You can compare cognition if you want to, and as you are able. I'm not much interested in Biden's cognitive ability. I've said before, his health is failing and he may well not be the Democratic candidate for president before this is all over.
Told you!
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Quoting results from years ago and polls from today is meaningless.
Told you! All the polls you (Muttly) quoted as if they were the law of the land were meaningless. The polling then done was not even about the correct candidates. Major miss. Major waste of time.
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Trump Can't Get Out of This One

From the Trump campaign today: "President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way. Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign – it will not end well for you."

Trump's problem, and it's a big one, is his VP pick, J.D. Vance, is directly associated with Project 2025. The Democrats will exploit that connection from now to Election Day and beyond. As much as Trump wants to disassociate himself from Project 2025, he clearly cannot. The only possible way for him to do so would be to dump Vance. That can be done if Vance agrees to voluntarily withdraw, but there is little time. A deadline is fast approaching when the names of the candidates and their running mates will be locked into the state ballots.

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Duckn' Don

Trump's refusal to debate Kamala Harris is earning him the nickname "Duckin' Don."

Trump should be afraid. Harris is a deeply experienced and highly skilled prosecutor. Her years of courtroom and political experience make her very good on her feet. Old-man Trump is a convicted felon with nowhere near Harris's alert mental capacity and debate skills. If the two of them appear together on stage in public, Harris will eat Trump's lunch.

When Biden was the candidate, Trump agreed to a debate schedule. Yesterday, Harris said she will appear at the next scheduled debate, whether Trump is there or not. What's poor Trump to do? If he wimps out, he loses. If he shows up he loses. My bet is he will wimp out because that loss will be easier to spin than wetting his pants on stage.

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Veteran Expediter
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Told you! All the polls you (Muttly) quoted as if they were the law of the land were meaningless. The polling then done was not even about the correct candidates. Major miss. Major waste of time.
So meaningless that the Dem party “elites”looked at the polls and told their presumptive nominee with 14 million primary votes to step aside because he couldn’t win FOUR MONTHS from an election. Discarding the voters choice in the primary (without a single primary vote cast)for their new candidate. Oh, ok.
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Veteran Expediter
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Trump classified documents Case DISMISSED. Judge rules Jack Smith's appointment was unconstitutional. This is a major blow to Biden’s corrupt DOJ.

Good,good. As we were were saying months ago. Told them!
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Veteran Expediter
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Duckn' Don

Trump's refusal to debate Kamala Harris is earning him the nickname "Duckin' Don."

Trump should be afraid. Harris is a deeply experienced and highly skilled prosecutor. Her years of courtroom and political experience make her very good on her feet. Old-man Trump is a convicted felon with nowhere near Harris's alert mental capacity and debate skills. If the two of them appear together on stage in public, Harris will eat Trump's lunch.

When Biden was the candidate, Trump agreed to a debate schedule. Yesterday, Harris said she will appear at the next scheduled debate, whether Trump is there or not. What's poor Trump to do? If he wimps out, he loses. If he shows up he loses. My bet is he will wimp out because that loss will be easier to spin than wetting his pants on stage.

He probably was just waiting for the Dems to finally decide which person they were going positively have as their candidate. Just making sure that Dems wouldn’t pull the rug out again at the last moment with a new one and again wasting Trump’s time and resources.
Made sense to wait this time. BTW, Trump showed up for discussion a couple days ago, but Kamala was a no- show. Doesn’t appear he’s “duckn”. He has also agreed to debates.
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I know the whole couch thing with Vance was made up, but some of the crazy things that people have come up with are just too funny. Heck even Vance cracked a joke about it, a Republican with a sense of humor, who would have thought....


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More Evidence that Trump is Losing It

Trump had no meaningful opposition in securing the GOP nomination. Before Biden withdrew from the presidential race, Trump took comfort in the polls that showed him ahead. But now that younger and more-vibrant Harris is unifying and energizing the Democratic Party, and attracting independent and some Republican support, and now that Trump (who pays close attention to the polls) sees Harris obliterating Trump's lead and pulling ahead by a few points, Trump is grasping for straws. It seems the felon finds himself, once again, defending himself against a formidable and capable prosecutor of color, and the man truly does not know what to do, except to rely on his counterproductive, vindictive instincts

Wanting Biden back, Trump has even taken to inventing pro-Biden fantasies and promoting those. The man is losing it in more ways than one. Confident and stable people do not speak like Trump speaks.



Veteran Expediter
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I see MAGA weirdos are already attacking Tim Walz for suggesting that convicted felons should be allowed to vote. Surly that’s pretty much the same as allowing them to run for President, isn’t it?!


Veteran Expediter
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I see MAGA weirdos are already attacking Tim Walz for suggesting that convicted felons should be allowed to vote. Surly that’s pretty much the same as allowing them to run for President, isn’t it?!
And VP too:


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Despite His Denials, Trump is Irrevocably Tied to Fascist Project 2025

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Where is Trump? Why Isn't He Out There Campaigning?

Harris/Walz are doing one rally after another in swing states, with thousands (even 10's of thousands) attending. Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance, is following them state by state, looking like a lost puppy as he draws sparse crowds as watches his own approval ratings plunge.

Where is Trump? He's not on the campaign trail like his opponents are. He's holding few rallies. Why is he not fighting to win the important swing states? Is he ill? Is he discouraged? Is he afraid? Has his cognitive decline taken a turn for the worse? Why is Trump holed up in Florida while Harris/Walz steal the show?

Trump's next scheduled campaign stop is a Montana rally. Montana? Why Montana? Montana is not a swing state. It has just four electoral college votes, which can legitimately be counted as already in the bag for Trump. With Harris/Walz drawing new swing-state volunteers in by the thousands, Trump's Montana "strategy" raises more questions than answers.

It will be interesting to see large Trump's Montana crowd size is compared to those Harris/Walz are currently drawing. It will also be interesting to compare the energy of the respective crowds.

By every measure (fundraising, crowd size, crowd enthusiasm, volunteer recruitment, ground-game activity, poll shifts, etc.) the Harris/Walz campaign is on fire. How enthusiastic will Trump supporters be if this old man shows up with the same old shtick, scowls, complaints, and ramblings?
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Veteran Expediter
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Where is Trump? Why Isn't He Out There Campaigning?

Harris/Walz are doing one rally after another in swing states, with thousands (even 10's of thousands) attending. Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance, is following them state by state, looking like a lost puppy as he draws sparse crowds as watches his own approval ratings plunge.

Where is Trump? He's not on the campaign trail like his opponents are. He's holding few rallies. Why is he not fighting to win the important swing states? Is he ill? Is he discouraged? Is he afraid? Has his cognitive decline taken a turn for the worse? Why is Trump holed up in Florida while Harris/Walz steal the show?

Trump's next scheduled campaign stop is a Montana rally. Montana? Why Montana? Montana is not a swing state. It has just four electoral college votes, which can legitimately be counted as already in the bag for Trump. With Harris/Walz drawing new swing-state volunteers in by the thousands, Trump's Montana "strategy" raises more questions than answers.

It will be interesting to see large Trump's Montana crowd size is compared to those Harris/Walz are currently drawing. It will also be interesting to compare the energy of the respective crowds.

By every measure (fundraising, crowd size, crowd enthusiasm, volunteer recruitment, ground-game activity, poll shifts, etc.) the Harris/Walz campaign is on fire. How enthusiastic will Trump supporters be if this old man shows up with the same old shtick, scowls, complaints, and ramblings?
If I had a bullet whiz past my ear, I would be a little afraid of going out on the campaign trail too. But Trump is supposed to be mr badass, that should not have affected him at all. Maybe the secret service has put a stop to appearances until they are more prepared.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump is going to Montana to help with the senate race there. Some have advocated that Trump do less rallies and more interviews, press conferences, and “town halls”.
He’s doing an interview with Elon Musk Monday. Harris has been offered an interview with him as well. Trump has agreed to 3 debates. He held a press conference today with some opening statements followed by many questions by the media that lasted a little over an hour.
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Yep. It's a Stamina Thing. Trump is Too Old to Campaign

Former President Donald Trump said Thursday that he plans to stay off the presidential campaign rally circuit until after the Democratic National Convention, which ends Aug. 22.

The Republican nominee’s schedule this month defies conventional campaign strategy, and draws a sharp contrast with Trump’s schedule in August of 2016, the last time he ran a successful race for the White House.

That month, Trump held 27 raucous campaign rallies across 15 states. So far this month, Trump has only held one rally.
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