The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What’s he being charged with then? Paying off an extortionist? Oh, ok.
That's the big question: what's the crime, keeping in mind the fact that paying "hush money" isn't illegal. The following article gets into the weeds a but, this quote pretty well sums it up:

"What about the “object crime”—that is, the crime that Trump allegedly intended to commit or conceal in such a way as to transform the underlying misdemeanor offense into a felony?
If you’re looking for the clearest statement of Bragg’s legal theory, you can find it in a November 2023 court filing opposing Trump’s motion to dismiss the case, along with Merchan’s ruling on that motion. Notably, in that ruling, Merchan clarified that § 175.10 “does not require that the ‘other crime’ actually be committed”—“all that is required is that defendant … acted with a conscious aim and objective to commit another crime."

So here we have a NY trial against Trump with no crime to go along with the other NY trial with no fraud and no victim. Political persecution at it's finest.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That's the big question: what's the crime, keeping in mind the fact that paying "hush money" isn't illegal. The following article gets into the weeds a but, this quote pretty well sums it up:

"What about the “object crime”—that is, the crime that Trump allegedly intended to commit or conceal in such a way as to transform the underlying misdemeanor offense into a felony?
If you’re looking for the clearest statement of Bragg’s legal theory, you can find it in a November 2023 court filing opposing Trump’s motion to dismiss the case, along with Merchan’s ruling on that motion. Notably, in that ruling, Merchan clarified that § 175.10 “does not require that the ‘other crime’ actually be committed”—“all that is required is that defendant … acted with a conscious aim and objective to commit another crime."

So here we have a NY trial against Trump with no crime to go along with the other NY trial with no fraud and no victim. Political persecution at it's finest.

Any judge with common sense, integrity and wasn’t conflicted would throw this case out of his courtroom and severely admonish the prosecution for wasting the court and city’s resources with this.
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Reactions: RLENT and Ragman


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Any judge with common sense, integrity and wasn’t conflicted would throw this case out of his courtroom and severely admonish the prosecution for wasting the court and city’s resources with this.
Any conviction from either of the NY cases will be reversed on appeal, but that will come after November. The Democrats don't care - it's all about election interference between now and then.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Baron Trump entering politics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The other side of physics begins now, we may not live to see the results, it may be some time in the future, those sleeping giants can come back to haunt you,,,imho....
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not really surprised, I don’t doubt there were a couple of Trump supporters on the jury, but now we know there were no Trump worshipers.

Not that this trial means much, won’t be any prison time, just a fine and slap on the wrist. Next up we will see what the Supreme Court says about immunity.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not really surprised, I don’t doubt there were a couple of Trump supporters on the jury, but now we know there were no Trump worshipers.
Agreed. This jury pool came from a district that voted 85% for Biden in 2020, just like the group that decided the Carroll trial. They voted for prosecutors that ran on getting Trump, and were glad to help out when they were given the chance.
Not that this trial means much, won’t be any prison time, just a fine and slap on the wrist.
Yep, and maybe probation to add a little inconvenience.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Im still waiting to see anyone explain how these payments were made could ever be considered "legal"

The only thing I am hearing is how Joe Biden is "weaponizing" the justice system. But this is typical Trump, dont answer the question, just play the victim card.....
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Veteran Expediter
US Navy
All this mess is not over, no way is this over. There may be many investigations in the future, u know, reactions opposite and equal................


Veteran Expediter
All this mess is not over, no way is this over.

Yeah ... The Orange Mobster still has 3 trials still to go ... not over by a longshot.


There may be many investigations in the future, u know, reactions opposite and equal................

You might wish to revisit the Republicans' records on "investigations" ...

And "impeachment hearings" ...

Durham or Hur ring any bells ?

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