The Trump Card...


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Trump's Appeal to Postpone Trial and Change Venue is Denied

CNN: The former president’s attorneys on Monday had urged the court to postpone the trial so it could consider whether to change the venue, arguing that Trump cannot get a fair jury in New York.

But Associate Justice Lizbeth González quickly denied the motion to stop the trial after hearing arguments Monday, and there is no further argument on the motion to change the venue.
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This should be looked into:

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Trump's Behavior in Court

While spending his first week in Judge Merchan's courtroom as a criminal defendant, Trump was mostly compliant. He has nothing good to say about the judge, but Trump recognizes the authority Merchan has over him. Trump was admonished a few times by the judge and he complied. He was not happy about it, but he complied. On a normal week, Trump would be watching a lot more TV, spending more time on his phone (which his attorneys told him to put away when he pulled it out in court), playing golf, come and go as he pleases, and enjoying the company of the sycophants he surrounds himself with.

At times, Trump seemed bored with the proceedings. He is reported to have fallen asleep for brief periods every day he was in court last week. He also displayed profound disrespect to the prospective jurors when he refused to stand up and face them at the time when this is customarily done, and when everyone else in the room did. That seems like a stupid thing to do; distinguish yourself as the one person in the room who shows profound disrespect to the process and to the very people who are going to be rendering the verdict.

Outside of court, and out of his attorney's reach, Trump was not compliant with the gag order. He will undergo a contempt hearing about that Tuesday morning.

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The financial donor “lost his shirt” TWICE backing the losing candidate in the primary against Trump.
The donor (Ken Griffin) has billions, and lots of shirts. His estimated net worth is $35 billion, which is many times more than Trump's net worth.
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Trump Being Trump

"Aside from sinking his fangs into the Republican National Committee like a hungry bat on a plump Berkshire hog, the man spending his days in a Manhattan courtroom under criminal indictment is now looking to bleed cash out of down-ballot GOP campaigns."

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Why Trump is Falling Asleep in Court

Sitting in court all day with occasional breaks is a new routine for Trump. In court, eating and drinking is prohibited. That means Trump is separated from his usual intake of 12 Diet Cokes a day, which is a steady caffeine source. If he's drinking Diet Coke during the breaks, it is not helping him stay awake through the proceedings. He or his lawyers may decide to drug him up with caffeine pills or another stimulant so he can avoid the shame of falling asleep in court, and the reporting that he looks tired at the end of the long court days.

As far as we know, no one else is falling asleep in court. Trump should do something to revive himself to avoid being portrayed as a tired old man. He would also be well-advised to cut back on his late-night TV and tweeting, and pay better attention to getting good sleep instead. Court starts at 9:30 AM, whether Trump is well-rested or not.

In fairness, it is easy to understand how one can fall asleep in court. The days are long and the proceedings are often boring. There are all kinds of instances where people of note have fallen asleep at inopportune times. Still, it's important for Trump to remain awake. If I was in his shoes, I'd carry some caffeine pills in my pocket and use them through the day.

This image is not true to life. Trump did not look like this in court when he slept. But it illustrates the narrative that is beginning to take root and spread. Again, Trump would be well-advised to revive himself to avoid being portrayed as a tired old man.

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As you requested, don Lewis, your post is marked.


Related: "Over the past week, Donald Trump has been forced to sit inside a frigid New York courtroom and listen to a parade of potential jurors in his criminal hush money trial share their unvarnished assessments of him.

"It’s been a dramatic departure for the former president and presumptive GOP nominee, who is accustomed to spending his days in a cocoon of cheering crowds and constant adulation. Now a criminal defendant, Trump will instead spend the next several weeks subjected to strict rules that strip him of control over everything from what he is permitted to say to the temperature of the room.

"'He’s the object of derision. It’s his nightmare. He can’t control the script. He can’t control the cinematography. He can’t control what’s being said about him. And the outcome could go in a direction he really doesn’t want,' said Tim O’Brien, a Trump biographer and critic." (
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Mark This Post

As you requested, don Lewis, your post is marked.

View attachment 23870

Related: "Over the past week, Donald Trump has been forced to sit inside a frigid New York courtroom and listen to a parade of potential jurors in his criminal hush money trial share their unvarnished assessments of him.

"It’s been a dramatic departure for the former president and presumptive GOP nominee, who is accustomed to spending his days in a cocoon of cheering crowds and constant adulation. Now a criminal defendant, Trump will instead spend the next several weeks subjected to strict rules that strip him of control over everything from what he is permitted to say to the temperature of the room.

"'He’s the object of derision. It’s his nightmare. He can’t control the script. He can’t control the cinematography. He can’t control what’s being said about him. And the outcome could go in a direction he really doesn’t want,' said Tim O’Brien, a Trump biographer and critic." (
I'm patiently waiting for the emotional outburst in which Trump has to be physically removed from the room.

This is going to be fun!
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I'm patiently waiting for the emotional outburst in which Trump has to be physically removed from the room.

This is going to be fun!
Trump has had few weeks like this, if any, in his adult life. As a criminal defendant, he is not free to come and go as he pleases. His prior bad acts produced a gag order under which he is now bound and chafing. Having violated it, he faces a hearing on Tuesday which may result in him being found in criminal contempt of court; and while he tried, he found himself powerless to delay that hearing.

Out on the streets, there is no MAGA support. No protesters are showing up at the court building. None are rising anywhere to demonstrate. It's business as usual in the customary echo chambers, but Trump is seeing no indication that his MAGA people are motivationally bothered by him being in criminal court and treated like the criminal defendant he is. There is no polling that shows this criminal trial is helping him. His donor base is down compared to his 2020 campaign.

In court, he was forced to sit and listen to ordinary citizens explain how they felt about Trump, and he was powerless to fire back with disparaging comments or mean tweets. When he took out his phone to look at it, his lawyer told him to put it away, and had Trump not complied, he would have been in trouble like a misbehaving child. At one point during the trial, he stood up when he should not have. With a firm tone, the judge immediately asked Trump to sit down, and Trump immediately complied.

Trump complained about the temperature of the courtroom and no one did anything about it. A developer of buildings and someone who was once the president is not accustomed to being ignored on such matters, but ignored he was. While in court, he cannot watch TV, play with his phone, or play golf. A day in court is a long day for him. He is not accustomed to focusing on a single task for hours on end. He is falling asleep in court. He is looking and acting tired at the end of the day. While strong men want to appear strong, the whole world is now watching Trump to see if he can stay awake sitting in a chair. Not a good look.

Trump is in for four or six weeks of this. An emotional outburst and him being removed from the room and placed in custody someplace else (like a holding cell) is a distinct possibility.

Trump has repeatedly said he plans to testify, and every attorney who has commented on this says that would be a major mistake. But Trump's ego may be so fragile and his opinion of himself may be so high, that he will overrule his attorneys and insist on taking the stand. My hope is not that he will lose it and be put in a holding cell. My hope is his need to be heard will be so great that he will reject his lawyers' advice and take the stand. If he does that, the prosecution can keep him there for hours and play him like a fiddle.
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Why This Week Will be a Trip to Hell for Donald Trump

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Is Trump for Aid to Ukraine or Against It?

In an overwhelming bipartisan vote, the US House approved a massive aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Regarding Ukraine aid, a number of commentators are spinning it as a major defeat for Trump. Republicans and Democrats, and even GOP Speaker Mike Johnson, joined together to provide aid Trump fiercely opposed.

But as I read more, I'm not sure where Trump stands on Ukraine aid. If he is in fact opposed to it, and if he did in fact urge House Republicans to oppose it, the commentary is right. This was a massive rebuke for Trump. What confuses me are the statements Trump has made, some very recently, that seem to support Ukraine aid.

There are people on this forum who follow Trump's policies closer than I do. So let me ask. Is Trump for aid to Ukraine or against it?
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