I sense conflict about Durham.
And for a very good reason:
Durham is conflicted.
On one hand Durham is the Left’s worst nightmare: Apolitical, disciplined, fair, and tenacious.
Well I think we can definitely rule out
apolitical and fair.
disciplined is looking pretty dicey at this point as well.
There is certainly a good case for
sloppy though ... however, in all fairness to Durham himself, it's hard to say whether it's him ... or just the RWNJ's he has working under him.
As far as being anyone's worst nightmare, based on this most recent performance - and that's what it was:
a performance - it appears that anyone facing him would literally be
blessed ... given the incompetence and lack of discipline.
You do remember this ... right ?:
Nora Dannehy, Connecticut prosecutor who was top aide to John Durham’s Trump-Russia investigation, resigns amid concern about pressure from Attorney General William Barr
That was the proverbial
canary-in-the-coal-mine moment.
One wonders whether Dannehy will eventually
sing on the specifics of what exactly it was that actually lead to her resignation ... and whether those concerns perhaps extended beyond Barr ... to Durham himself ... and
that was what lead her to conclude that she would no longer be party to a sham investigation.
Personally, I wouldn't bet the farm on it (because of
a trait she likely shares with Durham and Barr) ... although I do see that CT Governor Lamont - who is a Democrat - appointed her as his General Counsel ... so it may be that she actually has enough personal integrity and would come clean on what went on.
You do notice that Durham -
unlike Dannehy - DID NOT resign ... right ?
On the other, the Left has to do everything they can to concoct a narrative he is untrustworthy and acting in bad faith.
And who knew Durham would be such an
eager and willing participant, working for that cause ???
I understand, it’s their only play right now.
(See if you can figure out