Well, lookie here. Looks like someone got the “easy” treatment.
Byrd initially declined to speak to investigators the day shooting occurred ... until he had retained counsel.
Once he retained counsel, I would assume counsel advised him not to provide an interview ... which, as it turns out, was good advice.
But the real nuggets to come out of your posting that link is that:
1. Two officers - in addition to Lt. Byrd - reported that commands were being issued to (aka screamed at) the rioter terrorists to "Stay Back ... Get Back" ... along with some fairly salty language.
2. (At least) one of the officers above issued such commands himself:
3. All three officers had their guns drawn and pointed at the rioter terrorists. (And there may have been other officers beyond those three - it's a big a file even with all the redactions and I still have lots to go through)
Ms. Babbitt - in a blinding moment of Trumper Dipstick Brilliance™ - decided to ignore both the commands from multiple officers AND the guns drawn and pointed in her direction:
4. A fourth officer - who apparently was just outside the Speaker's Lobby Doors where the rioter terrorists were (IOW: close to Babbitt) - described Babbitt (along with Zac Alam ?) as being "violent".
Thanks for posting the link to the article !
I'll be sure and update you with any additional factoids I mine out of it.