Annual deaths from flu over the last ten years average 36,000 per year from a significantly low of 12k to a high of 61k averaging the 36k.
How many people do you know who have died from the flu?Annual deaths from flu over the last ten years average 36,000 per year from a significantly low of 12k to a high of 61k averaging the 36k.
But there has been no mischaracteration. It's very well known that Democrats demand that citizens conform and comply with their agendas and way of thinking. They do not like personal freedom and wish to take it away from every individual who desires to exercise it. We saw that first hand during this whole covid debacle. To pretend otherwise is absolutely asinine.The problem you're having is your original mischaracterization of Ragman's statement.
His point (I think) was that it's within someone's right if they don't want to get vaccinated - they bear the responsibility for the consequences of that decision.
However that right does not convey additional rights ... to act in an irresponsible manner and contribute to furthering the COVID pandemic and needlessly endangering others ... particularly when it has the capacity to be an issue of life and death for some people ... just with the current variants alone ... to say nothing of potential future variants which may develop as a consequence of failure to act.
Nope - that claim indicates a misunderstanding of what I said and meant.
You better have a good look around.
Not only can you be arrested without committing a crime, but you can be tried and (wrongfully) convicted.
But be that as it may, the fact is being asked to mask up - in compliance with the present House Rules - or leave the premises ... and then refusing to do either, is a violation of law (unlawful entry)
There doesn't need to be - the House has the power to set it's own rules.
Their House, their rules.
Really ?
You misspelled "elected officials" and "duly-empowered lawful authorities" above (in bold)
And I'd say that people who irresponsibly act in a manner that will prolong this national tragedy (COVID) are the real "enemy of the people".
1. I am not a government official with the requisite authority to do so (if such authority even exists)
2. And Michigan law does not allow for citizen's arrests, except under fairly narrow circumstances.
Just because someone doesn't know someone who has personally died from the flu... Doesn't mean that people aren't dying from the flu.How many people do you know who have died from the flu?
The CDC uses modeling to estimate the number of flu deaths each year. Modeling. Instead of, you know, counting them.
Burden of Influenza
Oh we know Democrats are salvating over this tax return debacle. I'm going to enjoy watching Democrats cry and slink back to the gutters after there's nothing of merit found.Wrong.
SmhThis is for everyone. Myself and millions of other individuals who have taken an oath of the Constitution are prepared to kill or die to what we believe in.
Are you?
Not a threat. Just putting it into perspective.
Yeah that's what I thought. Stop begging for things that you aren't willing to stand up for.
No it doesn't. But I find it extraordinarily odd that guns, overdoses and car accidents kill people in the same numbers as the flu, and everybody knows someone who died of guns, overdoses, and car accidents, but not the flu. You have to question the veracity of the flu numbers. And when you know how the flu numbers are determined, the veracity is even more lacking.Just because someone doesn't know someone who has personally died from the flu... Doesn't mean that people aren't dying from the flu.
Well in all fairness Firearms do not kill anyone. People with Firearms kill people. As well as people with firearms result in many more lives saved every year.No it doesn't. But I find it extraordinarily odd that guns, overdoses and car accidents kill people in the same numbers as the flu, and everybody knows someone who died of guns, overdoses, and car accidents, but not the flu. You have to question the veracity of the flu numbers. And when you know how the flu numbers are determined, the veracity is even more lacking
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Oh good grief. Whether firearms kill people or people with firearms kill people, the number of firearms+related deaths is what matters. It doesn't matter if it's murder or suicide or trip and fall. Dead due to firearms is still dead. And it's about the same number you claim for the flu, and that gets touted in the press and by others who want to compare Apple Pie Flu with Orange Marmalade Covid.Well in all fairness Firearms do not kill anyone. People with Firearms kill people. As well as people with firearms result in many more lives saved every year.
WTF are you talking about? Whether vehicles are designed to kill people or not is 1000 percent irrelevant to the number of people who die in vehicle accidents. It's the number that matters. And if you know anyone who died in a car accident, but don't know anyone who died of tour flu, you have to ask why.People who die from vehicle related incidents are also incompatible because vehicles are not meant nor designed to kill people.
No, I'm comparing numbers to numbers.It's sort of comparing apples to oranges.
What is disputable, however, and provably false, is the common knowledge number of flu deaths.Flu deaths are absolutely indisputable.
If the flu killed 600,000 we would do exactly that. In fact, we did that during the last flu pandemic.But for many years we did not quarantine, force people to wear masks, destroy people's livelihoods, etc to combat the flu despite the amount of deaths that are contributed every year.
But there has been no mischaracteration.
It's very well known that Democrats demand that citizens conform and comply with their agendas and way of thinking.
They do not like personal freedom and wish to take it away from every individual who desires to exercise it. We saw that first hand during this whole covid debacle. To pretend otherwise is absolutely asinine.
If you try to arrest me for something that's not a crime, you best buckle up because you may not live to regret it.
I've been prepared to die since I was 17 years old when I joined the military and still have that conviction.
The house is not able to order the arrest of individuals who refused to wear a mask there is no such law that enables law enforcement to make such arrests.
If they do they are absolutely violated and individuals constitutional rights specifically the 14th amendment.
Especially because the house is actually property that belongs to the people as well as paid for by the people m
You can say whatever you want but at the end of the day Democrats are the tyrants who have hurt so many Americans with their power grabs.
I only hope that you're on the front line for whenever this comes to a head.
In Michigan you cannot be arrested unless you have committed a crime.
In fact Michigan actually allows its citizens to resist arrest for unlawful arrests. You really want to open that can of worms?
Oh we know Democrats are salvating over this tax return debacle. I'm going to enjoy watching Democrats cry and slink back to the gutters after there's nothing of merit found.
“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me”
“You guys may not be following the internet the way I do,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document.
Last year almost nobody got the flu, between everyone staying home and all of the mask wearing and social distancing, there were strains of the flu that vanished. Going to be interesting to see what happens this winter.Flu deaths I believe before covid-19 hit was 45k to 60k funny thing the mask did make the flu harder to get.
Last year was the first time I didn't get the flu.....
What are you even talking about? When did this conversation have anything to do with tea in China? No it's certainly does not matter.... One is an inanimate object that has to have a force applied.... The other is something that actually causes death on its own.What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Oh good grief. Whether firearms kill people or people with firearms kill people, the number of firearms+related deaths is what matters. It doesn't matter if it's murder or suicide or trip and fall. Dead due to firearms is still dead. And it's about the same number you claim for the flu, and that gets touted in the press and by others who want to compare Apple Pie Flu with Orange Marmalade Covid.
WTF are you talking about? Whether vehicles are designed to kill people or not is 1000 percent irrelevant to the number of people who die in vehicle accidents. It's the number that matters. And if you know anyone who died in a car accident, but don't know anyone who died of tour flu, you have to ask why.
No, I'm comparing numbers to numbers.
What is disputable, however, and provably false, is the common knowledge number of flu deaths.
If the flu killed 600,000 we would do exactly that. In fact, we did that during the last flu pandemic.
My point that you're so desperately trying to avoid is, when 60,000 people die every year of something, most people with more than a couple of decades behind them are going to know at least one person who died of it. If you don't know someone who died of something that kills roughly 50,000 people a year, year after year, then the number of deaths are highly suspect and should not be believed.
Oh I know exactly what's going to be found.. absolutely nothing that's going to be twisted and used by the Democrat party to attack him even further because he is such a major threat to them.Well, I certainly have no idea as to what will be found.
There are a number of things that wouldn't surprise me however.
But I think what is far more interesting at this point is what Trump said to DOJ officials that was recorded contemporaneously in notes of the December 27th call by Deputy AG Richard Donoghue:
Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show
Last year almost nobody got the flu, between everyone staying home and all of the mask wearing and social distancing, there were strains of the flu that vanished. Going to be interesting to see what happens this winter.
Lab tests can tell the difference between the 2, someone who has the flu isnt going to test positive for covid.People still got the flu, it was just written up as covid. Just as every other thing that caused a person to die.