What you get is Low Paying Freight Low Paying Jobs Low Pay.
While the stinking Rich line there Pockets, The Bean Counters get hired to come up with creative ways to cut cost. Which Put it all in to Perspective Companies are dividing up work in a Socialistic way Stating how much one can make a week.
There for this happens it takes 2 or more incomes to support a family and then to come up with Health costs that have hit one in the Butt and sent everyone reeling. I Know and the fact of the matter is, No Matter How much I call in and ask for work I am told there is none. Hit the Limit and your cut off.
Back in the day Work! Work, good to go. When I was growing up back in the 60 my Grandpa worked and my grandma stayed home. Oh for a While she worked at a Sewing Factory but after her Operation double Kidney operations and a Stroke she stopped but Things worked out then. One had a Job and had Ins and all that It worked.
As time passed I seen my Folks in the 70 and 80 Dad worked as well and mom mostly was a stay at home with the exception she was the Manager for Congregate Meals for Monona County Senior Citizens Things worked but dad had 3 Jobs The County and the Farm and then Ran Cat for Doug Hanson a Big Cattle Rancher. He went from one Job to the Next. But it worked out.
Here it is the 2015 the Health Care is in the Toilet Surgeons cost money especially 2nd Surgeons and the DA BURN Economy is in the toilet. Companies we work for Frown if you run Single while your co driver takes his off time, That's a fact I not only herd it I was told it!
The Crap is this the whole country is getting more socialistic Every Day Socialism is taking over. Weather it be in Companies paying workers Min Wage or Cutting the workers hours below the now 32 hour thresh hold. Yes Notice I said 32. So what a person to do. I Being Retired Military so many I have talked to are under a false assumption that the Health care is free. NO its not. Med & Dent Uncle Sam Rips it Right outa my check along with Taxes the Life Ins and the SBP as well. Fee HA HA Not for me or my Wife or my Daughter. I pay Uncle Sam takes his!!!
More than a Year ago My wife had to have her Stomach Removed let me tell you I had to pay for a Second Surgeon. She still got One more Operation to go and I have been trying my best to make it happen 2nd Surgeons cost money big Money. The Da Burn Socialist Health Care don't pay that I had and still have to come up with the down Payment.
Asking the Company for work more runs to make the money. Coin this phrase its like tits on a boar hog Useless!! To far into the Socialistic Aspect that they cant see beyond the blinders of one slice for each. That's not just in the trucking industry that has turned this into a socialistic society. Wall-Mart gives hand out to all the works as well to get free Government Aid. Food Stamps Free Health Clinics and Free Dental Clinics. Well that don't work for me as heck I am RET Mil. So I don't qualify. But its a shame that Illegal can come here get the Glasses teeth fixed and an operations for free and not pay penny and be helped to fill out the form to get it.
People weather it be Zig or any one for that matter if they are Mad at the System the way it is I Don't blame them and they got a right to be. On another note Unless I go to a base I am Limited to Health and Dental for me I fall into the VA, MD, PA, DE, NJ, NY area and that It Why Tri Care Prime Plus for the Wife and Daughter the wife got to have that. Don't any one say Referral that a joke.
Doc have not seen Halverson since 2007. I was across the country so I had to get rough with Tri Care finely after 1 hour A supervisor gave it to me. That's the kind of Junk Vets put up with. Getting back to Socialistic Zigs right good for you man U did right. You kept going and attained what u needed any one Ditz you for it they must be Socialist.
Ragman its not off topic zig made a statement about a situation. So Did I and I backed him up on his.
Zig I wasn't done Editing and I lost the Net 3 times.
Here Ragman I am now going off the Topic!!! Last night I caught a hit run ( back and Run) at the FJ in Elkton a red Freightliner backed into a US Express Truck smashed the driver side head light and driver side bumper and hood and then took off quick when he realized what he did.. Then he went up and around and hit a flat bed. I caught the Individual and made him go back to the US Express truck of which the driver was thankful I caught the individual. The guy in the Flat bed He was happy as Well. The Driver I caught he wasn't so happy. All he could do is talk wasn't him & he's not like that. Right!! Doing the Right thing Ragman Doing the Right thing!! Not afraid to do the right thing some people are! As they say doing good things while waiting.
Now that was off Topic Ragman (Trash is taken out) have a Nice day.
Iowa is now 12 and 0 they Beat Nebraska last night. YEA that's off Topic 2 Ragman
Ohio Needs the Trash taken out as well I am On my way,.
While the Truck was in the shop a week and Half a go this is me Putting up Snow Fence.
That's off Topic 2 Ragman.
Back on Topic Donald Trumps got a good shot at being President.
Off the Topic Tonka trucks are not made in USA they moved over seas.
But Trumps Hats (Make America Great) and his Golf Hats are all made in USA in CA and the company employees are Latino.
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