I do not disagree with what you said above but remain curious about something. If what you say is accurate, why is the Trump administration, the Republican-controlled House and the Republican Controlled Senate doing seemingly nothing about it? There is absolutely nothing keeping them from launching investigations into this to find the evil-doers and put them in jail, yet nothing seems to be happening. Why is that? What keeps the Republicans from using the power they clearly have to set the record straight and bring deserving people to justice?
This is not a rhetorical question. I truly don't understand why the Republicans are taking little or no action on this.
The short answer... Members of the swamp fighting the drainage thereof notwithstanding, the Republicans are, by and large, spineless little slugs.
I would say it's because the Republicans have a big-picture sense of fair play, and they have an utter lack of the moral and ethical ambiguity that the Democrats see as their bread and butter, where the ends justify the means no matter the means, but really they're just spineless little slugs.
Long Turtle-esque answer rant... They can't govern even when given the overwhelming mandated power to do so, they don't care about the big picture, the party or the platform, or the American people. They only care about themselves, getting reelected, and in getting their way despite being a small part of a large team. If Democrats need to scrounge up another one or two votes, what with their lack of morals and ethics, they get 'em, easy peasy. A compromise here, a backroom promise there, it's a done deal.
Republicans have one estemed Senator from my home state of Kentucky sitting there with a proud little smirk on his face saying he can't do this or that because it's not exactly what he wants, and any compromise is a failure. That tactic opened the door for others to do the same.
Lisa Murkowski voted against Obamacare in the first place, and eagerly voted subsequently to repeal it, when she knew the vote wouldn't result in repeal, and campaigned on, and many times reiterated that, Obamacare must be repealed. Then it comes time where the House and Senate has the power to actually repeal it, and she's suddenly all like "I don't wanna repeal the thing without a full replacement plan in place, that's been my position all along," despite her voting record saying the opposite.
Then there's Audrey Hepburn up in Maine (OK, her real name is Susan Collins, but I can be cruel and caustic at times). I can give her a pass on voting against the Skinny Bill, because she's consistently voted to not repeal Obamacare, mainly because she doesn't want to give up the Medicaid money. But on that point, she votes with Democrats an astonishing amount of the time. Her stated reason for not voting in favor of the Skinny Bill is because it defunded Planned Parenthood (Medicaid), of which she is a yooge fan and supporter. I'm personally anti-abortion, but I'm pro-choice, meaning, I'm not at all a fan of abortion, but I'm very much in favor of the one who is pregnant (and the one who got her that way) making the choice to abort or not. It's nobody else's business. But where I do draw the pro-choice line is with partial-birth abortions, where the fetus is completely viable outside the womb, but the birth is aborted just before it gets out. Susan Collins (along with Murkowski) broke ranks with the Republicans and voted against the partial-birth bill that would have prohibited those types of on-demand abortions. She came out early after the convention against Trump, saying she would not vote for him. She voted against the travel ban. And she criticized Trump repeatedly for not releasing his tax returns, and ever since his innauguration has pushed for a Sentate subpoena of Trump's tax returns, ostensibly as part of the investigation into the whole Russian thing. She claims to be a lifelong Republican, but she has spent her entire political life voting with Democrats more than she votes with Republicans. She threw a hissy fit worthy of a Democrat when my other favorite Kentucky Senator (affectionally known as
Mitch McTurtle) refused to give Merrick Garland a vote. She should do the honorable thing, the honest thing, and just change her party affiliation and be done with it.
Speaking of doing the honorable thing. Mitch McTurtle needs to either resign as Majority Leader of the Senate, or he should step up to the podium on the Senate floor, put a gun to his temple, and blow his brains all over the chamber. But I digress.
Trump has his Interior Secretary play political hardball on health care with Murkowski and Hepburn, and Democrats are all up in it, calling for an investigation and even getting the Interior Inspector General looking into it. Democrats are calling the shots and grandstanding in the Republican-led committies doing the investigations of Trump - investigations that should have never commenced in the first place, because they commenced on unsibstantiated partisan rumor and not fact. We've got Senator Feinstein calling for an investigation into Lynch-Comey-Clinton and Republicans are still reluctant to move on it, because they're spineless slugs.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz already conspired to rig the electoral process in favor of Hillary,and now she's somehow wrapped up in what may turn out to be genuine espionage collusion by paying foreign nationals the going rate of a House member Chief of Staff, ten times the normal rate for IT support. Her and other Democratic House members paid members of this Pakistani family for IT support when some of them have never even set foot in the building. The ultimate in no-show jobs. Awan was barred from accessing House servers and computers on Feb 2, after it was shown that he was secretly accessing members’ computers and transferring files to remote servers, yet Wasserman Schultz kept him on the payroll. The Awan family has either swindled federal taxpayers out of millions and almost certainly put national secrets at risk, which smacks of massive democratic government incompetence, or there's something much, much bigger going on. She ckaims Awan is being profiled because he's Muslim. I think she's hiding something that makes this much more serious than she's letting on.
What is the Republican response to all this? To have a committe investigate? Call for a special prosecutor? Nope. To have the House Ethics Committee review it. Sheesh.
Spineless little slugs.