
Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Consider the Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS). Over 1,000 exhibitors present their goods and services there. I'd be willing to bet that every single one of them have at least one disgruntled customer in their lives. The larger ones probably have hundreds if not thousands of disastisfied customers. By DD's logic, the entire truck show should be canceled because the truck show people did not rise as protectors of the buying public.

Sorry, DD. That dog don't hunt. With all your stomping and fuming, and without you taking the kind of actions people with well-grounded and verifiable comsumer complaints usually take, methinks you protesteth too much.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Sorry A Team,when you have sprung for the bucks on a truck and have a bad build experience then maybe you can protest. What ever happened to your truck build that was bragged about 3 years ago? LM went to bat for DD and did all he could to alleviate the situation,unfortunately DD was not satisfied.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
>Sorry A Team,when you have sprung for the bucks on a truck
>and have a bad build experience then maybe you can protest.
>What ever happened to your truck build that was bragged
>about 3 years ago? LM went to bat for DD and did all he
>could to alleviate the situation,unfortunately DD was not

As you know, RichM, Diane and I have indeed had a bad build experience. Naturally, we protested; but not to Lawrence McCord and not by stomping and fuming on EO. We protested in more appropriate and effective ways. Consequently, we are now having a good truck build experience.

By the way, Rich, you exagerate the time frame. Three years ago, we were working as a computer consultant (me) and an attorney (Diane) and did not even know the expediting business existed.


Veteran Expediter
>Sorry A Team,when you have sprung for the bucks on a truck
>and have a bad build experience then maybe you can protest.
>What ever happened to your truck build that was bragged
>about 3 years ago? LM went to bat for DD and did all he
>could to alleviate the situation,unfortunately DD was not

Shame on you Rich, you were THERE, or have you forgotten all the arguements I had with Lawrence in the mod forum?? The point was THEN, the same as it is NOW. It was not about Lawrence "helping" us with the problem. It was about my being a mod and being unable to tell the TRUTH of our AB experience. It was about INTEGRITY and the ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR!! Or have you forgotten how many times Lawrence asked me if I was going to replace that (then) twelve thousand dollars a year income from said company?? Seemed all that mattered to him at the time, to h*** with anyone who EXPECTED to come here and get the truth. You also remember that it was a family member of Lawrence's that was involved with the sale?

Well anyway, it became REALLY CLEAR that the COMPLETE truth about this company was NOT going to be printed here as every time someone tried, it was deleted. So EO lost 2 moderators and an admin over this issue, who cares?? NO ONE WHO CARES ABOUT TRUTH AND INTEGRITY THAT'S FOR SURE!!!


Staff member
Diesel & Doggie,

I had spent countless hours trying to help resolve your issue. I went to bat for you and your husband on several occasions. Anyone who knows - knows that we got involved and made our concerns known to the powers that be.

I am very sorry you had a bad experience with Alumi-Bunk and hope you were able to resolve this with some of the ways we suggested back then - like your leased carrier for starters. Your carrier recommends them - as an expedite truck supplier. Has this practice changed?

Ultimately, if I or my company had sold you the truck - I would have given you a new truck, that is just the kind of person I am.

I am saddened that you are now attacking my integrity and have never acknowledged the efforts I made on your behalf. Also, I think readers should know that you do have an ulterior motive besides your Alumi-Bunk issue in trying to discredit EO.

It has been 2 or 3 years now since this happened and hoped by now you would have been able to resolve this via your carrier, OOIDA or other appropriate means.


T.V. - Why do you think they call it programming?

No, YOU suck. - the mean people

"Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States." - J. Bartlett Brebner

Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure. - I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear.

Become who you are. - Nietzsche

Whoever coined the phrase "Quiet as a mouse" has never stepped on one.

Thanks For Visiting EO!

Please Help Us Get The Word
Out About Expediters!



Veteran Expediter
Elmo, Elmo, you're getting REALLY good at trying to head off the POINT of these posts. I guess it's true what they say about the best defense is offense.

We could go on like this for weeks but it has occured to me that it's very similar to arguing with a drunk, you just can't do it!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
WEell it looks like I ##### of a couple that I like and respect. I wasn't there but I was privy to the situation on both sides. This was an unfortunate issue and I think we all wish it had never happened.

DD if my post was offensive to you please accept my apology as the actual purpose of my post was to dispute the post from the A Team where he felt you protested too much. Since he has never walked in your shoes, has not experienced the difficulties that you guys went through I felt he had no right to pass judgement on you.

BTW A Team,I was only off by about 3 months.

Once again DD ,sorry.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks Rich, although an apology wasn't necessary. And you're right about staying on top of the A Team, you know what they say........


;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Expert Expediter
Hi again everyone i for one,Think this post has went far enough,Its starting to have personnal attacks again.I hope EO will lock the post but leave it where everyone can read it at anytime,DD maybe you could add in the subject line the name of the company so it can be searched for at anytime....Again i'm sorry for what happen to you,Good luck....


Veteran Expediter
Gotta get in here before the thread is tanked.

First off, Lawrence has come a long way in the last year, as far as letting anti-advertiser posts stay. I have to give him credit for that. That being said... enough has been said about Bunk-o-junk that anyone who does research would notice they are not cream-of-the-crop by any means. That tells me that ppl either don't do research, or don't pay attention to what's being said. The lure of a quick, cheap expediter vehicle will always be in the market. So, regardless of our chatter about said company, they will continue to get customers.

Second... the issues that made two mods go away is possibly the same thing that made EO better. I've seen plenty of posts, within the last year, that wouldn't cut it prior. Lawrence has stepped up to the plate and let the forum keep forumming (new words just kill me :7 ). As stated, one bad apple is gone. Given time, more will follow. It's being proven that EO IS becoming a quality site that doesn't cater to advertisers in the forum.

The best you can do is spread the word. If said company loses business because of chatter in the forum, let them pull their own ad. Obviously, some good comes from them, or my guess is Lawrence would've already canned them.


Veteran Expediter
>First off, Lawrence has come a long way in the last year, as
>far as letting anti-advertiser posts stay. I have to give
>him credit for that.

In the last year.............................

In the last year.............................

Now what has changed in the last year?? Hmmm, could it be, oh yea that's it!! C-O-M-P-E-T-I-T-I-O-N, amazing that EO could go ALL THAT TIME deleting and locking with fury...........until a new kid showed up on the block!!

Have you looked at your alexa numbers lately??


Expert Expediter

Geeze if you don't like this site (EO) please just leave already man....


Veteran Expediter
What competition? They've done their own thing, and failed. EO is the only show on the tube. If Lawrence wanted, he could pull a Stalin and clean house. However, we're all still here. When I say it's gotten better, I see it. The soap operas are still here, proven by most of this thread.

Diva... I never caught what beef you have with EO. If you want to tell me in an email, please do.


Veteran Expediter
So, when we tune in tomorrow, will EO be calling itself "As the wheel turns?"
Seriously - I checked out the other site for awhile, was even invited to write for them, but I think EO is just better all around. It looks like DD was expecting Lawrence to respond as teenagers do : "I don't like soandso so you can't either!" but that wouldn't have solved anything, even if Lawrence went along. If it's a legal dispute, it needs legal resolution, as DocRushing stated.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
I know this sounds over-simplified,but tec1959 if this thread is bothering you......THEN DON'T CLICK ON IT.....problem solved.


Expert Expediter
Doggie you know,This post don't bother me,What is bothering me is the he said she said along with all the personnal attacks going along with it.I'm behind you 100% but i think enough is enough,With that being said i really don't care which way this thread goes.....

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
>What competition? They've done their own thing, and failed.
>EO is the only show on the tube. If Lawrence wanted, he
>could pull a Stalin and clean house. However, we're all
>still here. When I say it's gotten better, I see it. The
>soap operas are still here, proven by most of this thread.
>Diva... I never caught what beef you have with EO. If you
>want to tell me in an email, please do.

Hawk i hate to be the one too tell you this,but EO is not the only show on the tube. (you gotta get out more)

As for what beef dieseldiva has with EO, I see from your joined date that it was something a little before your time.A better explanation would be that dieseldiva is my better half. Now you know the rest of the story.


Expert Expediter
O.K. so everybody wants to put in their 2 cents worth. Well all I have is one, but I'll give it to you anyway.
I got my start here at EO thanks to my boss, he being an honest man, directed me somewhere that I could get information to better myself, or so he believed.
I learned alot here, everything I thought I'd need to know to make an informed decision about whether or not I'd jump in with both feet, so I thought. So I did. For that I am thankful. There was information lacking that had I known, I may have made a different selection as to the place of purchase of my truck. I guess I'll call it being green, I never liked the thought that I would be inexperienced enough to be taken advantage of, but there I go thinking again.
Unfortunately, I bought my first expeditor truck through Alumi Bunk due to limited information. Had people been allowed to truely voice their opinions on this site without fear of being "kicked off", or the thread being locked or deleted, (which some of my posts have), I may have been informed as to some of the possible not so professional business practices to be aware of, not only by Alumi-Bunk but others as well. For that I am disgruntle. I have no ulterior motive for my posting, as I very seldom visit any of the other sites, due to my limited time and computer access. The fact that I enjoy the day to day so called sopa opera antics that go on here, really has nothing to do with it.(really)

I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that this is an "Open Forum", and should be treated that way. Any posts that are added here should be left here, so the "green" people (and the not so green) are allowed to develop their own opinion, through complete research, based upon both positive and negative posting and feedback. I think otherwise it should be called a forum based upon certain persons opinions, not an open forum.

I believe I am responsible for allowing myself to be mis-led. That is something I will deal with in my own way. I will do so by voting with my feet. I will NEVER do business with Alumi-Bunk again, based on MY own dealings with them. For more info on my experience with them please e-mail me, I will tell you my side of the story.

I do commend Lawrence for his "business" practices, as he knows which side of his bread the butter is on, and pretty much where his butter comes from. However, without prospective customers to read the advertising, what good will it be to them. If he is no longer afraid to allow TRUTHFUL postings to appear(so it seems), whether anti or pro advertiser, then I will no longer be afraid of being mocked for visiting his sight, and will not be afraid to advertise for him, as I see alot of potential for a great sight here. Hence this little formula: more visitors = more interest in advertisers = more $$$ in EO's pocket.

I could go on and on and get the picture.
Sorry if I got long winded, and gave you more than my $.01 worth. Who knows, mabee somebody views it as being worth less than that.

Run safe, run hard, run fast and be profitable!
Hyfield Trucking

Hyfield Trucking
