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Wow. That's just straight-up reckless.And their editorial board right on cue with backup.
This isn't fake news, its no news. As of 17:39 today, President Trump his giving his daily briefing to his fellow countrypersons. NBC is airing NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt including: One On One With Lester Holt And Andrew Como. Nothing like giving the NBC viewers COVID-19 info filtered through a governor instead of direct from the President Of The United States.
Do any of you few remaining Trump haters see anything wrong with this?
I think the point is, the MSM is refusing to carry the unfiltered facts, in favor of their own version of them. That's a serious problem.Different stations haven't been televising Trump's entire press briefings.
Answer: change the channel. CSPAN is best.
I think the point is, the MSM is refusing to carry the unfiltered facts, in favor of their own version of them. That's a serious problem.
Will, if that's the case, then stop saying the airlines had already stopped flights from China before Trump stopped them, because that not true. It's verifiably false. The airlines only announced they were going to stop the flights, but didn't actually stop any of them until a day after Trump did.And FOX has been reporting that Trump shut down air travel from China. You yourself has written that twice in the past few hours.
I guess people have to be discerning enough to seek out true facts on their own.
Will, if that's the case, then stop saying the airlines had already stopped flights from China before Trump stopped them, because that not true. It's verifiably false. The airlines only announced they were going to stop the flights, but didn't actually stop any of them until a day after Trump did.
You had public officials on the other side still celebrating about impeachment at the time, saying everything was fine and calling him a racist.So the airlines make an announcement that their going to suspend flights from China in a few days. Trump is like ... oh snap! I better get on this ... and makes his announcement a day before it was already going into action anyway. And now somehow he claims this decision as his?
Trump has obvious patterns of behavior. One of them is saying the same talking points over and over .... willing them into existence. The mind numbing zombies that only watch FOX News consume this drivel like movie theater popcorn.
Italy banned flights from China on Jan 31st and it was a complete ban, with no exemptions. The US policy had wide exemptions.
The coronavirus response by Trump has been slow, chaotic, confusing and lacking leadership. Post all the BS on this forum you want. It doesn't change the reality.
Only when viewed through the lens of "Orange Man Bad." To those who hate Trump, it's impossible for him to do anything that meets with their approval. It doesn't matter what it is, it's bad, even evil.The coronavirus response by Trump has been slow, chaotic, confusing and lacking leadership.
You know what changes reality? Orange Man Bad. Trump says something, he's called clueless. Governor Andrew Cuomo says the exact same thing, word for word, and he's #PresidentCuomo.Post all the BS on this forum you want. It doesn't change the reality.
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