It will be interesting to see how much press coverage the 9/12 Tea Party in DC gets from the mainstream media. I, for one, will be surprised if the press exposure equals that from the gatherings of the anti-war protesters or the Million Man March. Regardless, it seems the "Silent Majority" is no longer staying silent and the liberals along with the msm are having a hard time dealing with this uprising. Of course their first reaction is to apply ridicule and disdain - one of the tried and true "rules" of Saul Alinsky - as though liberals have exclusive rights to protest and demonstrate. The Town Hall protesters have been labeled as being too well-dressed and being "Brooks Brothers" protesters. Would they have been better received if they had been wearing ragged jeans and dirty tee-shirts? Regardless, if the no-longer-silent-majority needs to keep the pressure on with the tea parties and other demonstrations our smug politicians will be sweating in 2010.