Tea parties over the weekend - lots of folks turn out


Veteran Expediter
This is all well and good, but will the people be heard? Will the people take all of this anger and frustration to the polling boothes in 2010 and 2012? That is to be seen. Or do we need to step things up a bit and increase the pressure?


Veteran Expediter
Why not 9.11? I can't think of a more fitting date to practice freedom of speech.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The ONLY way we are going to take back TOTAL control is to take away their monopoly money. WITHHOLD ALL income tax until everyone in Washington resigns. THEN, when we put in new less corrupt people, we will start to pay taxes again. Money IS power, we should USE the power we have. STICK IT TO THEM!!!


Veteran Expediter
Why not 9.11? I can't think of a more fitting date to practice freedom of speech. I am not thinking that Landstar should change its revenue share at this point but because a BCO is acting as their own agent, then they should get the agents share.

Just my opinion but 9.11 should be kept as a day of reverence and respect for those Americans that lost their lives. Another reason I object to Obama declaring it a "National Day of Service".


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So far I have found EVERYTHING that Obama has done to be objectionable!! I will NOT be in D.C. on the 12, I have a prior comitment, I have a marsh to restore!! It is called "action evironmentism" other wise known as REALLY doing rather than talking!


Expert Expediter
Guess there was a Big Turnout in Brighton Michigan with over 5000 People attending! You would think that The Idiots in Washington would Finally Get It!! :D


Veteran Expediter
Guess there was a Big Turnout in Brighton Michigan with over 5000 People attending! You would think that The Idiots in Washington would Finally Get It!! :D

Until they start getting fired in mass quantities they won't get it. Until people quit holding back and start calling a spade a spade they won't get it. We're living in a time where we have to worry about all these alphabet agencies spying on us, and our neighbors snitching on us. Anyone who wants to snitch on me to the Prophet Mohamed Obama needs to remember this, Snitches Get Stitches. Even most of the people at the tea parties don't fully understand what's going on. To many people either look at things through Red(republican) or Blue(democrat) glasses. When are people going to realize this isn't just an Obama problem? Their all in bed together up in Washington. Their acting like they can't stand each other to our faces, but to our backs their just as frienldy to one another trying to dominate the country and line their pockets while their at it. I guess as old Doug would say I'm just paranoid.


Retired Expediter
Klan Rally ????

Guess you don't know Brighton too well eh? *LOL*

I used to have a regular pick up down the road in Howell...the locals told me some real neat stories/rumours.

Also I see 9/11 is called Patriots Day on the calendar...I think Greg had it right....those on Flight 93 died for freedom..."Lets Roll"....to Washington....
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Expert Expediter
Guess you don't know Brighton too well eh? *LOL*

I used to have a regular pick up down the road in Howell...the locals told me some real neat stories/rumours.

Also I see 9/11 is called Patriots Day on the calendar...I think Greg had it right....those on Flight 93 died for freedom..."Lets Roll"....to Washington....

No, I don't know it too well, I've only Delivered there once or twice..That's why I Posted what I did cuz I Didn't Understand what his meaning was.. Never knew they were that way in Brighton! :D


Retired Expediter
No, I don't know it too well, I've only Delivered there once or twice..That's why I Posted what I did cuz I Didn't Understand what his meaning was.. Never knew they were that way in Brighton! :D

Bright-on..as in Bright light...as in white light...*LOL*

Not much darkness in Bright....on....*LOL*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It will be interesting to see how much press coverage the 9/12 Tea Party in DC gets from the mainstream media. I, for one, will be surprised if the press exposure equals that from the gatherings of the anti-war protesters or the Million Man March. Regardless, it seems the "Silent Majority" is no longer staying silent and the liberals along with the msm are having a hard time dealing with this uprising. Of course their first reaction is to apply ridicule and disdain - one of the tried and true "rules" of Saul Alinsky - as though liberals have exclusive rights to protest and demonstrate. The Town Hall protesters have been labeled as being too well-dressed and being "Brooks Brothers" protesters. Would they have been better received if they had been wearing ragged jeans and dirty tee-shirts? Regardless, if the no-longer-silent-majority needs to keep the pressure on with the tea parties and other demonstrations our smug politicians will be sweating in 2010.


Expert Expediter
Bright-on..as in Bright light...as in white light...*LOL*

Not much darkness in Bright....on....*LOL*

Ok, Now I Got It--Duhhhhh Some things you can pass onto People and they Just don't seem to get it, But I Got it Now For Sure....Thanx for the Eye Opener :D